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Stanley Harold Knight, Principal, General Post Office. Edward Robert Wheeler Lawson (55281), RAF. Acting Lieutenant Commander Hugh Alexander Mackenzie, RAN. Seaman William Aaron Wilkinson, LT/KX200592. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Cyril Edmond Dardier (26536), Royal Regiment of Artillery. Yeoman of Signals Horace Maynard Hayfield, D/JX141996. Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander Alfred Gerald Leach, RNVR. Acting Squadron Leader John Robert Oliver (46246). Winifred Enid Gardiner, Sister (Acting Matron) (N.12482), Indian Military Nursing Service. Henry Richard Roe, lately Officer Supervisor, General Headquarters. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) James Irons (113074), The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment). George Walter Scott, lately a Director, British Raw Materials Mission, Washington. Major Frederick George Lillycrop (78893), Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers. Wing Commander Stanley Arthur Hargrove (79464), RAFVR. William Herbert Peters, Assistant General Manager, Telephone and Radio Works. Archdeacon George Burton, Church Missionary Society, Ondo Province, Nigeria. Ralph Henry Tottenham Smith, His Majesty's Consul-General at Paris. Wing Commander John Rohrer Sumner (Can/C.971), RCAF. Wing-Commander Arthur Henry Charles Roberts, DSO, DFC (40431). Colonel (acting) Edgar Donald Reid Shearer (73353), Royal Regiment of Artillery. For services to the Dairying Industry. Edmund Joseph Cooray, Commissioner of Co-operative Development. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Ernest Nugent Oldrey (52671), Royal Regiment of Artillery. Acting Wing Commander Hedley John Morrish (80955), RAFVR. James Thyne Henderson, Her Majesty's Consul-General at Houston. Major Cyril Sackville Jocelyn Berkeley, Assistant Political Adviser at Muntafiq. For political services in Wessex. Wing Commander Arthur William Smith (10052). No. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) John Robert Dunkeld (136168), The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's). Acting Air Commodore John Francis Titmas. Alfred Charles Henry Illston, Deputy Chief Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Department, Office of the Crown Agents for the Colonies. 1 Ferry Pool, Air Transport Auxiliary. For public services in the Federation of Malaya. Margaret Hughes, JP. Charles Arthur Watson, Lately Manager, Scunthorpe Employment Exchange, Ministry of Labour & National Service. Wing Commander Robert William Edwards (03232), RAFVR. No. Charles Fredrick Ward, Architect, Welsh Office, Ministry of Housing & Local Government. Wing Commander Frederick Percy Gee (31149). Louis Lionel Harry Thompson, Assistant Secretary, HM Treasury. Seaman Alexander Moore McPherson, LT/JX400017. Acting Squadron Leader Arthur Chesley Holmes (Can/C.10443), RCAF. Sardar Surendra Singh Maiithia, Managing Proprietor, Saraya Sugar Factory, Sardar Nagar, Gorkahpur District, United Provinces. Doris Newhouse, Chairman, National Committee for Young Women's Christian Association War Service. Acting Wing Commander Jasper Sidney Streater (84375), RAFVR. Major-General (local Lieutenant-General) James Bennett Hance. Harold Alfred Willis, Chief Billeting Officer and Emergency Feeding Officer, Huddersfield County Borough. For public and Civil Defence services in Nigeria. Chief Stoker James August Gallie, RAN.17484. Bearing in mind the perennial headaches of finding MIDs in the Gazette - especially considering that the GAzette can very rarely find them at all - I was wondering if anyone would be interested in having the ones we can find listed here in albeit condensed form so that we can search via a … Lester Walker, Controller, Statistical Office, Board of Customs & Excise. Edward William Box, Superintendent of Bananas, Cameroons Development Corporation, Nigeria. For public services in the Leeward Islands. Reginald Taverner Miller, Foreign Office. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) George Joseph Long (152417), Royal Tank Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps. Temporary Acting Leading Seaman Robert Geoffrey Head, P/JX2017889. Sydney Stovell, Superintendent, Metropolitan Police. Agnes Marjorie Whyte. Petty Officer George James Hudson, D/X8109C, RNR. William Clark Jackson, Coal Officer, Wales Gas Board. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Shiv Parshad Bhatia (Z-8569), Indian Army Medical Corps. Major-General Arnold Guy Harsant, OBE, MD, MS, QHS (5767), late Royal Army Medical Corps. Acting Wing Commander Cuthhert Dumaresque Paul Franklin (31068). Squadron Leader Percival John Maddaford (44771), Royal Air Force. William Henry Weightman, Assistant Secretary, General Post Office. Allan Goth Michelsen, Lately First Secretary (Information) at Her Majesty's Legation in Berne. Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist William Robert Frederick Glasspool, P/JX136829. Acting Air Vice-Marshal William Munro Yool. Eugene Brunning, Regional Controller for Wales Board of Trade. 19044525 Staff-Sergeant (acting) Francis Robert Charles Meade, Intelligence Corps. Stoker 1st Class Ernest Williams, LT/KX532366. Gertrude Mary Saddler, Matron (244268), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve. Herbert Babington Robin Rowell, CBE, AFC, DL, Chairman and Managing Director. They were announced on 1 January 1946 for the United Kingdom, and Dominions, Canada, the Union of South Africa, and New Zealand. Alan Lawrence Law, DFC, AFC (44777), RAF. Charles Forgan Morris, Messrs. James Finlay & Co. Ltd, Bombay. Harry Emlyn Williams, Senior Inspector of Taxes, Board of Inland Revenue. 1584329 Albert Morris Edwin Spencer, RAF. Acting Wing Commander Sydney Campling (43606). Acting Lieutenant Commander Maurice O'Brien Fitzgerald. Convener of the Sheriffs. Thomas Brinley Bowen, Town Clerk of Swansea. Captain (Acting Rear-Admiral) Matthew Sausse Slattery. Otto William Patrick Fermie, Postmaster-General, United Provinces Circle, Lucknow. For public services in Nigeria. Frederick George Humphrey, Regional Information Officer, Ministry of Information. Acting Wing Commander Michael Angelo Toomey (119082), RAFVR. Thomas James Gale, Designer, Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ltd., Reading. Frederick Daniel Tee, Chief Office Keeper, Ministry of Labour & National Service (Heston). Acting Wing Commander Arthur William Caswell (44092). Thomas Duncan Macintosh, Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent, Bombay, Baroda & Central India Railway, Ajmer. Petty Officer Richard Cecil Godwin, LT/JX195767. For political and public services in Leicestershire. Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander John Hector Davis, RNR. William Henry Cousins Davey, inspector, Children's Department, Home Office (West Baling, W13). Atim Ekanem Duke. Robert Tatton Brown, Colonial Administrative Service, Assistant Chief Secretary, Aden. Temporary Petty Officer Albert Lawrence Stevens, D/J97790. Acting Squadron Leader Ernest William Bellew Lewis (79334), RAFVR. Acting Wing Commander Henry Loveday Bosworth (79076), RAFVR. Gerald Victor Cook, Officer Commanding, No. Alan Frederic Greenwood, Town Clerk, and lately Divisional Air Raid Precautions Controller, Leamington Spa. Brigadier (temporary) Frank Allison Hibberd (96253), Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Major Christopher Collaro, Managing Director, Collaro Ltd. Malcolm Collinson, lately Deputy Air Raid Precautions Controller, Grimsby. Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander (E) Trevor Seymour. Alice Gertrude Martha Alexander, Housekeeper, Supplies Department, General Post Office (Stamford Hill, N16). 7 Ferry Pool, Air Transport Auxiliary. Wing Commander Philip Edmund Warcup (33294). John Spalding, Headmaster, Royal Schools for the Deaf, Manchester. Engineroom Artificer George Arthur Kinsman, Burma 176. No.3/1532 Sergeant Raymond Charles Mace, MM. Evangeline Evans, Assistant Secretary, Board of Trade. Daniel Albert Randall, Director, Tanning and Footwear Directorate, Directorate-General of Supply, Government of India. Cecil Joseph Rose, A.F.M. Mr. Herbert Cecil Shepheard, Warrant Engineer. Chief Electrical Artificer William Kennedy Steuart, 17716, RAN. Wilfred Humphrey, OBE, Deputy Director of Intelligence. George Emms, Lately Footwear Inspector Board of Trade (Leicester). Wing Commander Douglas Verity Hutton (Can/C.4088), RCAF. USA – Keywords: Lena… Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander Byron Albert Caws. Lately Manager, Coryton Oil Installation, Vacuum Oil Co. Alderman Frederick Roland Fryer, JP. Rupert William Hammond, Resident Director, Airframe Factories, Rootes Securities Ltd. Frank Neville Harby, Secretary, Exchequer and Audit Department. Temporary Petty Officer George Walter Mackenzie, P/JX135499. James Mason Jones, Aircraft Assembler & Shop Convenor, De Havilland Aircraft Co. Ltd., Chester. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Francis Hugh Ranson Davey (28079), Army Dental Corps. James Francis Galloway, Sub-Area Engineer, Edinburgh, South East Scotland Electricity Board. Acting Wing Commander Quentin Oliver Sansbury (90772), AAF. Sergeant Cyril George Houghton, Po.X22586, Royal Marines. Acting Wing Commander Walter Lister Kerr (Aus.267642), RAAF. Group Captain Rex Laughton Kippenberger, OBE. Acting Squadron Leader Frank Desmond MacCarthy (87988), RAFVR. Wing Commander Ernest Osborne Budd (43895). William Charles Walker, Chairman, Advisory Committee, Southern Region, Works and Buildings Emergency Organisation. Mr. Henry Surry, Temporary Signal Boatswain. Flight Lieutenant Timothy Jackson Millar (64069), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. 305 comments. Phyllis Mary Allenby Hamilton, Civil Defence Officer, Headquarters, Women's Voluntary Services. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Eric Spencer Batchelor, MC (113268), Royal Regiment of Artillery. 3053152 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) George Moffat, Corps of Royal Military Police. Temporary Acting Leading Stoker William Douglas, C/KX106371. Evans Lawrence Adjei, Inspector, Gold Coast Police Force. Mary Hobbs, Senior Sister (206183), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Flight Lieutenant Jack Bardsley Murray Stableford (113013), Royal Air Force. Lieutenant Colin Swinburne Martin, RANVR. Lieutenant-Colonel Desmond Fitz-John Fitzmaurice. Acting Lieutenant Eric Douglas Willder, Royal Australian Navy. George Henry Stanwix, Assistant Director of Rice, Ministry of Food. Horace Frederick West, Head Postmaster, Bristol, General Post Office. Temporary Acting Lieutenant (A) Michael Marshall Watkins Hancock, RNVR. Ian Dunn Whyte, Conductor, British Broadcasting Corporation Scottish Orchestra. Adam McLintoch Miller, Manager, Uvinza Salt Mine, Tanganyika. Wilfred Charles Day, Principal, Command Secretariat, Middle East Land Forces, War Office. Joseph William Dyson, Area Slaughterhouse Agent, Ministry of Food. No. Cecil Tom Every, lately Director of Post-War Building Programmes, Ministry of Works. Sir Hugh Arbuthnot Inglis, Indian Police (Retd. Samuel Deygoo, Inspector, British Guiana Police Force. Acting Wing Commander Alfred Ernest Miller (43585). Temporary Commander (E) Charles Frederick Smith. Major-General Howard Courteney Goodfellow, CBE (13961), late, Brigadier Walter Douglas Campbell Greenacre, DSO, MVO (21343), late. Mary Elizabeth Calderwood Inglis, County Secretary, Lanarkshire Branch, Joint War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John. Terence Bernard Creagh Coen, Indian Civil Service, Political Agent, Gujarat States Agency. The Reverend William MacDonald Dempster, Secretary, Church of Scotland Committee on Hut and Canteen Work for HM Forces. No. Alice Margaret Hey, Sister (206220), Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Charles Richard Hodgson (104634), Extra Regimentally Employed List. Jeremiah Leask Manson, Staff Inspector, Ministry of Education. ), FRS(E), Andrew Browne, Baron Cunningham of Hyndhope, Charles Frederick Algernon, Baron Portal of Hungerford, Travers (The Honourable Mr. Justice) Humphreys, Charles Leyshon Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn, Edwina Cynthia Annette, Lady Louis Mountbatten, Hilda Madeleine, Duchess of Richmond and Gordon, National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers, Mona Josephine Tempest, Baroness Beaumont (Baroness Howard of Glossop), 1946 New Year Honours (British Empire Medal), 1946 New Year Honours (Mentioned in Dispatches), 1969 (Investiture of the Prince of Wales), 2002 (Death of Queen Mother and Princess Margaret),, Pages containing London Gazette template with parameter supp set to y, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Admiral of the Fleet the Right Honourable, Marshal of the Royal Air Force the Right Honourable. Leonard Arthur Scopes, His Majesty's Consul at Ljubljana. Charles Victor Wicks, Director, British Sugar Corporation Ltd. William Ellis Wiggins, Chief Engineer Officer, MV. Wing Commander Geoffrey Valentine Fryer, AFC (37094). 1.2k. Thomas Charles Ward. Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander David Hannah, RNVR. Stanhope Billyeald, Superintendent of Police, British Guiana. William Arthur Brownlow, Honorary Secretary, Newark and Nottingham Branches, Grenadier Guards Comrades Association. Lieutenant-Colonel Reginald Aneurin Thomas. For welfare services in British Honduras. Thomas Colville Pinkerton (133365), RAFVR. Repairs, Board of Trade. Aileen Harriet Collum, Assistant Honorary Secretary, Chelsea Branch, British Legion. Ernest Thomas Tacagni, Grade 4 Officer, Ministry of Labour & National Service. Colonel Derek Dealing Rothschild, MBE, TD, Director, Louis Newmark Ltd., Croydon. John Graham Gird Wood, Controller of Canteens, Ministry of Supply. Lieutenant-Colonel (acting) Esmond Baring (92679), 4th County of London Yeomanry, Royal Armoured Corps. S/198860 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) Thomas Joseph Sullivan, Royal Army Service Corps. Colonel (Temporary Brigadier) Brian Pennefather-Evans. Herbert Francis Baker, Accountant, Board of Customs & Excise. Acting Wing Commander Ronald George Hinings Adams (76367), RAFVR. Petty Officer Steward Bertram Reginald Charles Taylor, D/LX21073. Rear-Admiral Piers Keane Kekewich (Retd). Flight Captain Geoffrey Lewis Way Rider, Ferry Pilot, No. Arthur Henry Powdrill, JP. John Noel Milsum, Colonial Agricultural Service, Senior Agricultural Officer, Malaya. Kenneth Christopher Boswell, TD, Principal Lecturer in Modern Studies, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. 2654977 Warrant Officer Class II Fred Whitehead, Coldstream Guards. Thomas Grainger-Stewart, MC, TD, Deputy Secretary, Scottish Education Department. 2367182 Senior Aircraftman Henry John Reginald Matthews. Alfred Patrick Ryan, Controller (News), British Broadcasting Corporation. Shipwright 4th Class Malharao Johori, RIN, 7692. Flight Lieutenant Alexander Blair Landells, DFC (184630), Royal Air Force. Wilfred Benjamin Whitaker, Surveyor, Manchester Purchase Tax District, Board of Customs & Excise. Edward Thomas Chater, Clerk of the Council and lately Air Raid Precautions Controller, Sidcup. Wing Commander Clifford George James (77391), RAFVR. Leading Wireman Peter Frederick Pitts, C/MX66274. Surgeon Commander Dermot Francis Walsh, MB, BCh. Reginald Stanley Worth, Chairman, Canners' Wartime Association. Alfred Davis, Director and General Manager, John G. Kincaid and Company, Ltd. Charles Augustus Davis, lately Managing Director, C. T. Brock & Company, Crystal Palace Fireworks Ltd. Councillor Frederick Henry Derbage, lately Chairman, Air Raid Precautions Committee, Great Yarmouth. STEPPED ON 7. Colonel Aldington George Curphey, MBE, MG, ED, MD, CM. Wing Commander Arthur Ernest Saunders (37052), RAFO. Acting Squadron Leader John Hobson Hooke. Leading Wireman Norman James Braybrook, C/MX96992. James Edmund Earl Jenkin, Manager, Engineering Department, Anglo-American Oil Company Ltd. Maurice Kearley Jephson, Superintending Executive Officer, India Office. Mohamed Noor bin Ahmad, Chief Inspector, Federation of Malaya Police Force. Petty Officer Telegraphist Sydney David Beatty Moores, D/JX135615. Temporary Lieutenant (E) William Stevenson Cuthbertson, RNR. Arthur Stanley Charlton, OBE, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Local Government. For services to Civil Defence. Thomas William Payton, Adviser on Timber Supplies & Timber Packaging, Ministry of Food. Leonard Roap, Deputy Director of Stores, Admiralty. Lieutenant-Colonel George Turner Tatham Rheam, Civil Assistant, War Office. Thomas Llewelyn Brumwell, Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable. Acting Wing Commander Eric Frank Kohler (09156), RAFVR. Wing Commander Arthur Ernest Haes (21139). Thomas Stephenson, Chief Commercial Manager, Madras & Southern Mahratta Railway, Madras. Pullin & Co. Ltd., Brentford. First Officer Donald Edward Rae, Ferry Pilot, No. Abram Wilson, Foreman Fitter, South East Scotland Division, British Electricity Authority (Dunfermline). Cecil Allen Tomlinson, AFC (150683), RAF. Chief Petty Officer Steward Alfredo Gauci, E/LX 21146. Sam Philip Abrams, Director, Nelson Wear Ltd., Birmingham, Chairman of the Light Clothing Federation. For public services in Malta. Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander Robert Mowbray, RNR. Temporary Master-at-Arms Edgar John Clark, D/MX61886. The Reverend Okon Efiong. Stores Chief Petty Officer Edward Hearn, P/MX47029. Albert Burton, Foreman (Resident Maintenance), Rampton Hospital, Ministry of Works (Retford). Charlotte Anne Falwasser, District Superintendent, Duke of Connaught's District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. William Stanley Hall, Chief of Laboratory. No. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Alfred Arthur Walter (E.G. Ellen Howe. Leading Wireman (M/S) Stanley Douglas Cornford, C/MX63573. For services in connection with the education of the Deaf. Eliza Bird. George Tendered, Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable, Wolverhampton County Borough Police Force. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Noel Randolph Beaumont Eddowes (5651), Royal Regiment of Artillery. Margaret Whitaker, Honorary County Secretary, South Oxfordshire, Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association. Alexander William Innes Mayor, Secretary. Temporary Stores Chief Petty Officer Cyril Henry Knight, D/MX47605. Donkeyman Frederick Thomas Taylor, NAP/R.84726. 22329573 Sergeant (acting) John Edward Bickerdke, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Surgeon Rear-Admiral, Albert Edward Malone. Helen Louise Gardiner, MVO, Chief Clerk, Office of the Private Secretary to The Queen. Acting Wing Commander Geoffrey Norman Street (31350), RAFO. Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Francis Gore-Browne, attached to a Department of the Foreign Office for service abroad. Annie Marie Strutt Hall, Lately Senior Executive Officer, Ministry of National Insurance. Vayloo Pakirisamy, JP. For services prior to the Japanese invasion. For political and public services in Inverness-shire. Joseph Theodore Roy Macaulay, Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Sierra Leone. 909735 Albert Edward Anson Kibble, RAFVR. Lieutenant-Colonel Dennis Royden Clyde-Morley (P.102689V). Wing Commander Eric Hugh Lynch-Blosse (33194). Edward George Spooner, Iron and Steel Controller, Department of Supply, Government of India, Calcutta. Acting Leading Signalman John Maskrey,D/JX245763. James Starkey, Stoneman, Durham Division, National Coal Board (Sunderland). Margaret Beritha Alice Churchard, Principal, Ministry of War Transport. Alderman Herbert William Barber. Temporary Acting Lieutenant Commander John Stuart Lawrence. William Boddy. Wireman Donald Albert Shipman, C/MX655501. Chief Petty Officer Writer Frederick Edward Bailey, C/MX 49709. Hugh Warner Bedford, British subject resident in the Sudan. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Kenneth John Davis, RNVR. Temporary Acting Petty Officer William Richard Jarvis, C/LDX5388. Robert Mansell Smith, JP. Horace Gideon Heyes, Senior Instructor, No.8. 24 (Birmingham) Fire Force, National Fire Service. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Edward Stephen Purcell (71160), The Hampshire Regiment. Lieutenant Arthur Geoffrey Hamilton Perkins, Royal Navy. David Bertie Peters, Chief Engineer Officer, MV. Richard Archibald Briggs, Principal Inspector of Taxes, Board of Inland Revenue. Keeping the Candle Burning. Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth Arthur Peere Fergusson (40378), Royal Regiment of Artillery. For services during internment. Kenneth Raymond Ingraham, Director of Telecommunications, Bahamas. John Geoffrey Nelson Lowles. Petty Officer Reginald Cheesmore, P/JX132529. (Jersey City [N.J.]) 1889-1906, January 03, 1898, LAST EDITION, Image 1, brought to you by Rutgers University Libraries, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Anthony Davis, Lately Driver at Her Majesty's Embassy, Vienna. Frank Clarke, Airway Repairer, South Eastern Division, National Coal Board (Ramsgate). Puria, Jemadar, Office of the Private Secretary to His Excellency the Viceroy. Harry Beattie Young, School Staff Instructor, Leeds Grammar School, Combined Cadet Force. Captain Frederick James Young (3/52008), Royal Australian Artillery. Hirendra Chandra Qhakrabatti, lately Member of the Assam Legislative Assembly, Landholder, Hailakandi, Cachar, Assam. Mr. James Alexander Brownlee, Warrant Ordnance Officer. Acting Group Captain Brian Spencer Cartmel. Wing Commander Harry Patrick Johnston (35203). Percy George White, Finance Controller (Supply), Ministry of Food. Temporary Petty Officer Telegraphist Roderick Short, P/JX144727. Robert Burns, lately Counsellor (Commercial) at Her Majesty's Embassy in Washington. Stoker 1st Class Harry John French, P/KX142775. Chief Engineroom Artificer Clifford Coupe. RAN. Chief Engineroom Artificer John Grove Pearce, D/MX49463. Cecil John Baldwin, General Secretary of the Overseas League in Scotland. Frederick Cecil Ellerton, Deputy Chairman. Joseph Reginald Maton, Senior Executive Officer, Ministry of Education. Leslie Albert Cyril Wright (124705), RAFVR. Lieutenant-Colonel (acting) Robert Rudolf Verner-Jeffreys, Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. 1051683 Leading Aircraftman T. Livesey, RAFVR. Acting Wing Commander Cyril Walter Holbourn. Edwin Harle, lately Director of Communications Components Production, Radio Production Executive. ), Chairman, No.220 (St Albans) Squadron and No.2203 (Hatfield) Squadron. Engineroom Artificer 3rd Class Gordon Leslie Bruty, C/MX53086. Margaret Louise Harrison, Matron, Forde Park Approved School, Newton Abbot. Acting Squadron Leader Ernest Henry Sharp (83185), RAFVR. Flight Captain George Edward Dutton, Ferry Pilot, Air Transport Auxiliary. James Morton, Chief Engineer Officer, ex-SS, Ernest Hemer Mossman, Chief Engineer Officer, SS. Muriel Mary Pownall, VAD Nursing Member (Senior). 3044245 Sergeant (Pipe Major) George Sinclair Forsyth, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment), Territorial Army. Alan Anderson Pratt, Chairman of Directors, Southern Oil Co. Ltd. William Pratt, DSO, Lately Higher Collector, Board of Customs & Excise. Acting Wing Commander George William Joseph Thomas. Temporary Yeoman of Signals Vernon Christian Coulter, B.1531, RAN. Philip Haviland Haviland, Director of Irrigation, Southern Rhodesia. Group Captain Donald Malcolm Thomas Macdonald, Royal Air Force. Brigadier Fred Bridges McAlister, ED (2/50484), Australian Military Forces. James McMurtry, Staff Officer, Ministry of Education, Northern Ireland. Albert Walton Roland Perry (40841), RAFO. Beatrice Maud Turner, Honorary Secretary, West Hartlepool Savings Committee. Gerald Arthur Champniss, Operations Officer, Grade 2, Ministry of Civil Aviation. William Charles Ikeson, Technical Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Iraqi State Railways. Harold Ernest Snow, OBE, Deputy Director. Henry George Carpenter, Regional Controller of Railway Priorities, Madras. Robert George de Wardt, Deputy Regional Director, London Telecommunications Region, General Post Office. No.2/138896 Staff-Sergeant Leslie Edward Watson, Royal Australian Armoured Corps. Chief Engineman Joseph Teasdale, LT/X10090. Commander (S) Ralph Cooper Hollingworth, Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, Civil Assistant, Admiralty. Captain (Acting Lieutenant-Colonel) Frederick Henry Nicholson, Royal Marines. 39 (Swindon) Fire Force. William Francis Johns, Commissioner of Police, State of South Australia.

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