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3.8. PEP offers loans from Capfin, and this includes loans over six or twelve months. Through their 2500+ stores, customers enjoy all the advantages of not having to go to a bank; from better opening hours to shorter queues and friendly service. 4.1. 10.1. Even though you have possession of it, your card will always remain property of the merchant or any of the companies within the merchant’s group of companies and the card itself and your use thereof will in addition to the terms of this agreement remain subject to the merchant’s smart shopper terms and conditions. We may approach a court to take judgment against you for the debt owed by you to us in terms of this agreement. Along with PEP, you can also apply at Ackermans as they have partnered with Capfin to provide customers with an easy way of applying for a loan. If you receive a refund directly from a merchant for any goods purchased or services obtained from such merchant on your account, you will remain liable for any fees and costs that we are entitled to charge or have charged to your account in terms of this agreement. Unless otherwise stated, the terms of this agreement relating to the card apply equally to the secondary card; 4.10.2. 8.6. Participants may be requested to take part in the promoter's publicity campaigns or to allow their names and likenesses to be used by the promoter for promotional purposes. 7.1.3 loss of income (which covers up to 12 months’ instalments). These terms and conditions and promotional offer rules contain certain terms and conditions which appear in similar text style to this clause and which: may limit the risk or liability of the promoter or a third party; and/or, may create risk or liability for the participant; and/or, may compel the participant to indemnify the promoter or a third party; and/or. You must select a payment plan before the transaction is processed. If there is no outstanding balance, no service fee will be charged. Free SMS notifications on all purchases for your security. FREE RETURNS IN STORE The customer protection insurance product offered by us is underwritten by the insurance company, Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited for accounts opened before 1 October 2020 and by Guardrisk Life Limited for accounts opened on or after 1 October 2020; and covers the following: 7.1.1 death cover or permanent disability (which covers your full outstanding balance); or, 7.1.2 temporary disability (covers up to 12 months’ instalments); or. You are contactable by a cellphone number. All applications are subject to Capfin’s Credit Policy and an Affordability Assessment, as well as the submission of your SA ID and 3 most recent proof of income; We will email all your documentation and statements to you via the email address you provided. Settling your account does not automatically mean that your account will be closed. Fields marked with an * are required. If you make a payment using the incorrect reference, your payment may not be allocated to your account. We cannot be held responsible for any loss that you may suffer or damage that you may incur caused by any credit bureaus or agency. If we are notified late of a transaction on your account, such late transaction will be reflected on your account as and when we are notified thereof, notwithstanding the fact that you may have transacted with the merchant at an earlier time. 15.1. You consent to and agree that we may at any time (even if you are no longer a cardholder, as permitted by law): 14.1.1. make enquiries to obtain or confirm any information about you; 14.1.2. submit to any credit or other bureau (or a third party) any information about you or provided to us by you in your application or about the application, transacting, opening and closing of this agreement and account; 14.1.3. seek, verify and receive information from any credit bureau or third party (with whom you have financial relations at any time) when assessing your application or your creditworthiness, and also at any time during the existence of your account; 14.1.4. provide, disclose and register the existence of this agreement and any personal information, and details relating thereto, to any credit bureau or third party (with whom you have financial relations at any time) sharing positive and negative information about you or your credit account, including any non-compliance with this agreement. 10.3. In the event of conflict between this agreement and the smart shopper terms and conditions, this agreement will prevail to the extent that the subject-matter of the conflict relates to or affects the credit facility. We will not disclose your personal information to anyone unless we are acting in terms of this agreement or we need to do so in order to comply with this agreement. You will receive your base Smart Shopper point as per the existing Smart Shopper rules and a second Smart Shopper point, which is based on the total value spent, will automatically be loaded onto your Smart Shopper card by the 15th of the next month. 12.1. In the comfort of your own home in a few easy, quick steps, and once you submit your application you’ll be contacted within 48 hours. 10.7. Failure to do so will result in you being liable for any purchases made on the old secondary card after such change or cancellation. We further do not warrant that the content or information displayed is always accurate, complete and/or current. Contact Local LoansAbout Local Loans Get confirmation via SMS within 5 minutes. Notwithstanding the above, we reserve the right to amend our qualification criteria from time to time.

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