innovative food waste solutions

This problem is exacerbated in areas such as Europe where the manufacturing process requires artificially heated greenhouses. At their core, blast chillers and shock freezers rapidly cool food at such a pace that the build-up of bacteria is dramatically reduced. "Together we figured out a model, and we hope the guide can be used in every community to help accelerate change," says Frasz. “Just like we throw away wrinkled food, society metaphorically throws away wrinkled people,” Eggers explains. Due to an explosion in the electric... Hi I'm Rob. A tomato that rots in the field produces some greenhouse gases, but nowhere near the amount as a jar of tomato pasta sauce which has been harvested, transported, processed and transported again. The best way to tackle these environmental issues quickly is through clever, tech-based solutions. Sign up for the Green Life for updates on living well and doing good from, occupying 18 percent of the space in our landfills, nation’s first-ever call for a reduction in food waste, Congress authorized landmark legislation to loosen restrictions and increase tax benefits, recover food waste from Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Village, 20-billion-pound, $218-billion-a-year elephant in the room, Imperfect Produce has teamed up with Whole Foods, another one to get grocery giant Albertson's, Danish chef and “trash cooking” champion Rene Redzipi, Published in the July/August 2016 issue of, We’re Running Out of Seafood, Yet We Waste Billions of Pounds of It, As the Line 3 Pipeline Pushes Forward, Water Protectors Push Back, Diane Wilson on Seeds and the Stories They Tell, The Demise and Potential Revival of the American Chestnut. Mimica is developing smart labels on food packaging to let consumers know much more accurately how fresh their food is. A group of international chefs recently launched an initiative to recover food waste from Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic Village. From restaurants to dynamically adjusted pricing tags based on expiration. Legislators are finally trying to address the problem with a series of new initiatives that also carry the potential to create jobs, conserve water, and combat climate change. But this time, Eggers has a distinct service population in mind: Baby Boomers. Remember our What’s in the Warehouse post about food waste? So, we’ve found non-obtrusive ways for front and back of house operations to mitigate spoilage and waste through solution-driven products. Sixteen years ago, biologist Nicholas Smith-Sebasto, PhD, was looking into ways to save money on the food waste produced at the colleges and camps where he taught and ended up implementing a unique on-site, aerobic composting system. The worst thing is that many cups appear at first to many people to be environmentally friendly and recyclable, but a closer look will tell you the cup itself is not recycled, it is the little cardboard sleeve! the cup itself is not recycled, it is the little cardboard sleeve. See how this Caterer reduced food waste by 55%. “The oomph behind the recycling movement came from kids coming home and asking, ‘Why are you throwing those bottles away?,’” Nahmias explains, “so we wanted to get inside those little pea brains and get kids to ask those questions around food waste and recovery.”. Katie O'Reilly is Sierra's adventure and lifestyle editor. It is clear that as with many environmental issues old habits are just not going to change quickly enough. Researchers see potential in grain antioxidant; Farm waste, sweet taste: Comet Bio transforms harvest leftovers into sweeteners and fibre ‘It’s going to require openness and courage’: Nestlé, Unilever, Arla, Salling join Danish push to halve food waste Subscribe to our magazine by becoming a Sierra Club member today. Some scientists, social entrepreneurs, and other innovators have long been “awake” to our nation’s wasteful ways and are busy devising unique solutions to the 20-billion-pound, $218-billion-a-year elephant in the room. Developed countries. One third of food produced globally is wasted. “They’ll report what’s on board and its condition, and the app will identify places where the food could be donated,” says social entrepreneur Roger Gordon. Consumers and proprietors are also getting more educated. As with many of these disruptive solutions; Winnow is a huge potential win-win. Kitchen was created in the image of the pioneering  D.C. Central Kitchen: a beacon since 1989 for reducing hunger via recycled food prepared by unemployed adults training for culinary careers. The great thing about their solution is that it can be implemented quickly anywhere in the world and is of particular use in developing countries where temperatures are often high and refrigeration often isn’t available. When you think about it, it isn’t just the emissions directly being emitted from the rotting food we have to worry about it. But it was pretty hard because food banks don’t operate on weekends or evenings.” Food Cowboy charges suppliers a small commission to use the app, two-thirds of which is paid to food banks in exchange for a promise to stay open later. Spoiler Alert: Large farms and wholesale food distributors can post information about surpluses through this tech platform, triggering real-time notifications to potential nonprofit recipients. He is on a mission to build a community of people that are passionate about solving environmental problems. In came the Bluapple a very nicely designed device that absorbs this ethylene gas for up to 3 months. “It’s about thinking of food recovery as a government service that creates jobs, rather than as a charity thing,” Frasz says. What You Don’t Know About Buffalo Soldiers in the National Parks, Climate Change Forces Farmers to Migrate North, Privacy Policy/Your California Privacy Rights. These initiatives provide a space for inspiring action, effective collaboration, and sharing of best … That is around 8% of total global greenhouse gas emissions according to the latest stats from the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research. Maxime Willems is the founder of FoodLab and Proef, he uses creativity and research to develop new food products using food scraps or to reduce food waste. Perlsweig then devises dishes that attendants could and conceivably would make at home using their own wilting and expired food. Follow her on Twitter @katieowrites. VIKEK provides innovative and sustainable solutions for solid-waste management challenges through specialized research, analysis, assessments, strategy development, planning and executive support, delivering value to clients. Winnow Solutions develops a food waste tracking system for commercial kitchens. Providing Innovative Solutions for Solid Waste Management and Environmental Challenges. How? You hear all the time about how bad emissions from transportation are for the environment but food waste gives it a run for it’s money at about 84% of transports global total. Well, Bluapple, a company from Woods Cross, Utah have come up with an ingenious solution. 60% of the food people throw away in the UK is still fresh but has an expiration date that is too cautious. Packaging from food waste. Cup Club is being piloted in London and is set to roll out into other areas in 2018. It also boasts the same founder, Robert Eggers, and employs the same principles of restructuring urban food systems via social enterprise. The finest selection of specialty gourmet food products and gourmet gift assortments from around the world. Alright, this one’s a bit off the wall (literally), but just wait a second. “It’s about celebrating the imperfections of produce—and of life,” says Figueredo, who started Tweeting his own “ugly” pics for fun in late 2014, only to get serially retweeted by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and subsequently gain thousands of followers. L.A. And even if a restaurant isn’t that concerned about their environmental footprint they must get excited at the prospect of saving between 3% and 8% in cash, which is what Winnow is boasting. And of course, when we talk about waste from food it isn’t just the food itself but the packaging. Talk about a triple win. Food waste is going to only become a bigger problem as the world population continues to grow and the use of packaging increases in the developing world. Food waste is an issue that consumers and retailers are increasingly paying attention to. This is going to take a balance of smaller more affordable tech for the everyday consumer and higher cost tech for the producers and distributors of the food to keep the overall footprint to a minimum. Here is a summary of a few recent inventions and technologies that can hopefully disrupt this sector and cut down on the dangerous bi-products of food waste. Nahmias says Food Forward is presently enjoying increased interest, thanks to food waste’s recent surge in the news. Never waiting for ketchup. That is a big carbon footprint along the supply chain for it to be thrown away for nothing. ... Winnow Solutions. Enter food justice activist Jordan Figueredo’s Ugly Fruit social media campaign, a Twitter/Instagram/WeHeartIt/Facebook compendium of often outlandishly disfigured produce (peppers shaped like snails and anthropomorphic squash) accompanied by playful hashtags such as #partyvegetable or #funactivism. Wakati attacks the environmental problems caused by food waste from two angles. Food Cowboy also operates after-hours “event rescue,” transporting leftover food from weddings and parties to storage at shelters. “We see ourselves as tech first,” he says, “but we’re always looking for groups on the ground whose efforts our software can complement.”, Imperfect Produce: Twenty percent of produce never makes it off the farm due to aesthetic challenges (think crooked carrots and misshapen apples). Winnow is the leading food management solution for the contract catering, hotels & casinos, quick service restaurant, supermarket, and cruise ship sectors. The clever product is a small tent that can be erected easily anywhere. Josh Treuhaft, an industrial designer who cites Danish chef and “trash cooking” champion Rene Redzipi as an influence, devised the inaugural Salvage Supperclub event in New York City in 2013 as an MFA thesis project. If you’ve seen any other food waste tech solutions that are worth a mention then leave a comment below. Dive Brief: Kroger announced the launch of its $1 million Zero Hunger| Zero Waste Innovation Fund with an open call to innovators to submit applications for grants ranging from $25,000 to $250,000. I have spent over 10 years working as an Environmental Scientist combining a passion for technological innovation with a desire to make the planet greener. These include the use of technology to help restaurants better predict client’s demand, connecting businesses’ surplus food with consumers, and enabling supermarkets to sell items which are near their sell-by date. Well, if you were inspired by the information we presented and wondering how you can become part of the solution, check out this website about using overripe fruit before it goes bad. Up steps Winnow, a new system out of London aimed at reducing food waste in restaurants. The US-based startup Phood provides PHOOD X , a tabletop solution, and PHOOD XL , for daily waste disposal, both waste tracking devices for kitchens. T-SHIRTS MADE WITH PROTEIN FIBRES FROM SOUR MILK. The biggest contributors to the problem? Apeel and Edeka extend tie-up to fight food waste; A ‘bran’ new natural preservative? One of which is Cup Club. Let’s start in the here and now – blast chillers and shock freezers have been with us for at least 20 years, but recent innovations in the field have made them the most powerful weapon against food waste currently available to food service businesses. The retailer is looking for emerging technologies and solutions focused on food waste prevention, recovery and recycling. As a result, food-tech raised a record $5.7 billion in ‘15 (CB Insights). Good morning friends of Care and Share! The travel industry is one of the worst offenders to environmental pollution and projections show that it is likely to continue growing. If you … If food waste were a country, its greenhouse gas emissions would rank third in the world after the United States and China, according to a United Nations report. Founded in 2009, WISErg is a sustainable products company fusing biological science and engineering into a solution that converts landfill-bound food into premium agricultural inputs. Think of this as the coffee cup equivalent of the popular mobike bike sharing system. A great idea, let’s hope to see it implemented as much as possible in the next few years! Local business’ too can post items on here at bargain prices as any cash has got to be better than food in the skip! Eat your food, and the package too. Per capita waste by consumers is between 95-115 kg a year in Europe and North America, compared to just 6-11kg a year in sub-Saharan Africa, south and south-eastern Asia. It is becoming common knowledge that the global situation regarding food waste is bad…..really bad. experiment” (which is still thriving) into a “more linear, streamlined” fashion. By signing up, you are opting in to receive periodic communications from the Sierra Club. Join the conversation on social media. Copenhagen-based food sharing app Too Good To Go is bringing like-minded foodies and businesses together. Olio is another new disruptor in the app world, aiming to cut down on waste from food and packaging. For Solutions: As great as food banks are, they can’t accept everything. Why L.A.? West Coast Culinary Head Pesha Perlsweig says she doesn’t plan menus, but rather collects surplus, imperfect, and/or recently expired produce from partnering farms and food businesses—always ensuring she’s not taking anything that would otherwise have gone to a food bank. Something went wrong. For example, Supasawa a cocktail mixer that allows bartenders to add a touch of acidity to their cocktails without using lemon or Fermkrautchi a sauce from shrimp head powder. Think.Eat.Save (International) – This initiative, launched by the U.N. 4 Product Solutions for Reducing Food Waste and Increasing Sales. The LFC (which stands for Liquid Food Composter) not only creates a discharge that’s safe for the sewage system (and thus diverted from landfills, where it would emit methane), but also helps the resorts, restaurants, cafeterias, stadia, and food distribution centers that employ it to better manage their carbon footprints. link to Are Cruise Ships More Polluting Than Planes? Whoops! The Food Date Labeling Act, proposed by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) last May, calls for a new, uniform system of labels that would differentiate between “sell by” and “use by” dates. Here’s a smattering of the services, apps, and organizations whose efforts to curb and recover food waste … One third! #whattheforkwalmart and #targetgetus, indeed. Kitchen: The year-old L.A. Figueredo, however, is in it for more than likes and retweets—he’s constantly asking followers to support farm-to-food-bank programs and is presently circulating a petition to get big-box stores to retail funny-looking produce—and another one to get grocery giant Albertson's to do the same. It doesn’t just prevent the harmful emission given off by rotting food but also cuts down on the need for high energy consuming refrigeration units. Last September, the Obama administration issued the nation’s first-ever call for a reduction in food waste, vowing to cut it in half by 2030. The innovative service connects customers with restaurants who are offering up their unsold, surplus food rather than see it go to waste. They aim to do this by attempting to get restaurants to better understand just how much food they waste, in order to know how they can improve and set some measurable targets. 1. You have all these delicious meals planned and few days pass, you take the carrots out and…….oh crap! We’ve had decades of being told to recycle more and to use less food packaging but the figures keep going up. Bowls made of mushrooms, cups fashioned from seaweed, and detergent-style pods for food: Designers are creating ephemeral alternatives to plastic. “I know we’re not changing the world by feeding 16 people for $125, but it’s an educational event,” she says. It is therefore up to disruptive environmental solutions to step up as fast as possible to solve these big problems. Spoiler Alert is the 2015 start-up brainchild of then MIT MBA-candidate Ricky Ashenfelter. Powered by solar panels and a small amount of water, the tent unit increases humidity to keep cell structures intact, it also sterilises ozone to reduce mold growth and stores the ripening hormone of fruit and vegetables. It creates a more ethical business but also a more financially sustainable business that is more likely to succeed. Join us for "Unwrapping Food Waste: Innovative Packaging Solutions," streaming live 03/12 at 1 PM ET. The app has cool features like a ‘smart scale’ which digitally tracks the amount of food that is thrown away. “We try to highlight what most often goes to waste in a household.” Treuhaft has dreams of producing a Salvage Supperclub cookbook and, to raise awareness on a grander scale, launching a multicity, bio-diesel-powered tour de dumpster. Scientific Status Summary—Innovative food packaging solutions... barrierplasticcans,microwavesusceptors,dispensingclosures,gas barrier bags for prime cuts of meat, modified atmosphere pack-aging, rotogravure printed full-panel shrink film labels, and dual ovenable trays are examples of innovations for the convenience And this has big implications for the environment in terms of greenhouse gases produced by the waste which is left to rot in landfill and elsewhere. Working together, Full Cycle Bioplastics, Elk Packaging and Associated Labels and Packaging make a compostable high-performance material from renewable materials, agricultural by-products and food waste to pack a broad range of products from granola bars and crisps to laundry detergent. The employees are updated live so they are much more switched on to how much food is being wasted and these stats are uploaded to the cloud for analysis over the short and long term. “Once food waste is on your radar, you kind of wake up to it.”. Rob is the head writer at Innovate Eco sharing knowledge and passion cultivated over 10 years working in the Environmental Sector. In fact, growers often overproduce to ensure they meet the volume specifications for orders and then leave cosmetically defective castaways out to rot. Search our database of 700+ organizations offering products and services to help you reduce food waste. Can I still eat it?” Stop asking yourself these … Gordon is talking to ride-sharing companies about getting drivers on board to give recovered food an uber-convenient lyft to shelters and soup kitchens. Here’s a smattering of the services, apps, and organizations whose efforts to curb and recover food waste are bearing fruit. FRENCH APP COMBATS FOOD WASTE THROUGH COMMUNITY AND INFORMATION. As with many of these disruptive solutions; Winnow is a huge potential win-win. Thanks for signing up for the Green Life email newsletter. Last April, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) teamed up with the Ad Council to launch Save the Food, a national media campaign consisting of TV spots, billboard ads, and social media videos that included a website detailing easy ways to cut kitchen waste and extend food’s shelf life. Spotted: The aim of the Meal Canteen app is to reduce food waste. Overall, we are responsible for a quarter of global food waste.

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