freshman composition textbooks

It is clear that the writers have extensive experience with... "You, Writing!" The authors really lead by example here. The informative writing example, “What I Did on My Summer Vacation,” did seem somewhat elementary for a college text (pp. Luckily the grammar is great, or it couldn't serve as a resource for those still learning grammar! The writing process steps are quite organized in a manner that is easy to scaffold. Some chapters might have benefited from explanations or activities to help boost students' understanding (especially in sentence types in the grammar sections). The glossary and index help with the navigation as well. The writing samples illustrate a diverse range of writers and backgrounds. This text outlined all basic steps to the writing composition process, and then some. The entire book is presented in an easy to read and follow fashion. This text covers all of the major topics found in a two-semester, first year General Chemistry course and has the appropriate tables (thermodynamic quantities, equilibrium constants, etc.) I especially liked the section on... You, Writing! Likewise, the writing style remains consistent across the chapters. The first eight chapters flowed logically from one to the next, the ninth and tenth chapters ("Editing" and "Proofreading") came at a chronologically logical time but just took up so much space, and the eleventh chapter ("Research Process") seemed strangely tacked on to the end, The text did a good job bringing in multiple voices. Because the book focuses on basics, it is unlikely that it will need any content updates besides possibly the mention of the author. While the text includes a few spelling/typographical errors, it is grammatically sound, overall. List auf Sylt, the northernmost village in Germany, on the island of Sylt; Mathematics. It would require supplemental material and examples, I believe, but gives an instructor a very comprehensive basis to build off of. I think its ability to be divided and adapted to other lessons is a particular strength, since I am often looking to scaffold and grow my own lessons. This book would be a very useful companion for both students and instructors. The former assignment is useful for college writers because unlike the narrative or persuasive essays, it forces them to write with a specifically academic tone and to rely on data and logic. It is clearly organized, making it easy to use and reference. The text is blocked into chapters and subsections, and the Table of Contents allows for easy redirection. Its focus on the writing process rather than the end product, while still emphasizing its importance, allows the book to stay fresh for generations of students. This problem would be remedied if hyperlinks opened supplementary material in new windows. Like many contemporary texts on first year college composition, You, Writing! This book would be a very useful companion for both students and instructors. The text is very adaptable to any freshman college or high school composition course. The amount of space devoted to these areas is not e even, however. The book is consistent and easy to navigate. In its clarity this text is also widely accessible, which is significant for students whose first language is not English or for whom high school English classes did not provide them with an adequate introductory education. "They Say / I Say" shows that writing well means mastering some key rhetorical moves, the most important of which involves summarizing what others have said ("they say") to set up one's own argument ("I say"). I observed no problems with the text's accuracy, and I also noticed no bias in the way that it's written. The writing is unfussy, crystal-clear, highly specific and easy to read. Good writing is somewhat timeless, even as language and styles evolve. The only exception is the section on basic grammar skills like making complete sentences. The text presents enough information so that the individual instructor can easily fill in any holes or mention updated strategies while teaching the course. The different sections are well-contained and easily readable. Given the relationship between writing and reading, I found this to be a relevant note to start on, and the authors answer the question “why write?” by demonstrating how many of the skills within writing (critical thinking, communication) transfer to real world applications and careers, like Google for instance. read more. Request Permissions. The authors make an evident effort to be clear and direct in the writing. Sources are only classified as “excellent,” “good,” and “other,” with very little information on how to evaluate them. Readings on the writing process would work best if assigned chronologically, but each chapter could potentially stand on its own or be incorporated with additional readings. The glossary... Modularity is a strength of this text. It makes explicit the significance of writing in many different spheres, including social media posts and cover letters for resumes. Instructors can break up the information as they want with relative ease. This is the nature of deliberative democracy..." This passage exemplifies the way the authors define their terms as they go along; nothing feels like jargon because they explain their word choices. Terminology concerning the writing process is easily accessible to beginning composition students. In addition, I discovered at least one invalid URL. 2,427 Likes, 122 Comments - University of South Carolina (@uofsc) on Instagram: “Do you know a future Gamecock thinking about #GoingGarnet? That's exactly what some programs want, though a bit limited for... The overall organization is logical and intuitive. The text is navigable and free of any technical errors or distortions. The authors took obvious care to write an accurate guide. This text appears in eleven chapters, and each chapter covers an important component in the writing process. There is no index. Founded in 1893, University of California Press, Journals and Digital Publishing Division, disseminates scholarship of enduring value. These lists would be more effective if displayed in a table. Terminology and framework were acceptable. I also liked the attention to different processes, giving students information about what they are and encouraging students to find the one that works for them. As with most of us teaching college composition, assigning units from a writing textbooks will usually follow the schedule of actual writing assignments. I especially liked the section on... The flow of topics in the text is logical and effective with one topic building onto the previous ones. Generally the breakdown makes the most sense along the chapter breaks, as the chapters are clearly designed to be read in whole. The Paul L. Foster Success Center and First in Line, through the generosity of parent and alumni donors, established the Bear Book Scholarship to assist new and continuing students with purchasing textbooks for the fall 2020 semester. Published nine times a year, the journal also covers the social and ethical implications of biology and ways to incorporate such concerns into instructional programs. Not only is the writing process presented in a clear, step-by-step manner, the text is actually fun and funny to read! Whatever the instructor calls it, the comma needs to be there.” This passage not only provides clear instruction but highlights the authors’ understanding of diverse terminology that teachers may use in the classroom. Authors effectively use a “basic writing process chart” as both a visual aid and an organizational framework for content. The rest of it retains the grammatical standards that it teaches. While the book does demonstrate a wide representation of college writing expectations and skills, the generality of it requires instructors to supplement other materials to further develop student understanding beyond the basic levels. read more. For example, the authors do a great job explicating thesis writing. Because it is so comprehensive and is generalist in its approach, there is not much time to dive deeply into any particular approach or assignment; however, because it is concisely written, the authors manage to give advice about just about everything an undergraduate may be asked to write, with a few exceptions. Moreover, the organization of the text in its streamlined, modular fashion is well suited to the cultural reading style that young students seem to have owing to growing up with the Internet. The authors avoid using advanced academic jargon. The text's interface looks really strong. The text is well-organized and offers a good overview of the writing process (especially planning). comprehensively addresses the basics of writing in a casual, easily-accessible way. While the text generally lays out clear steps--the diagrams that outline writing processes are particularly nice--a few of the lists of steps seem somewhat cumbersome. The graphics are a nice touch that give it a bit of fun and personality, too. This book has credible, clear information. The American Biology Teacher, a nationally recognized journal, offers articles on recent advances in biology and life science, instructional activities for the classroom and laboratory, and interdisciplinary programs. Published By: University of California Press, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. stresses writing as a process, not a product.... A vocabulary list featuring 100 Words A High School Freshman Should Know. Here is an example of the fine writing that sets this book apart from the oodles of writing books: "The technical way we use the word “argument” in writing simply means offering a written text into an ongoing debate with the hope of securing agreement among people of good will who currently disagree with you or hold a different view. There is little jargon or technical terminology used and new terms are defined very clearly. The content is absolutely relevant and reflects the current take on teaching college composition, but without the danger of becoming obsolete soon. It is too generalized to serve as an advanced writing text for a specific discipline. The text includes helpful links to online resources. This will work well to avoid intimidating students, especially beginner writers. The text is organized clearly around its “basic writing process” concept. The authors helpfully provide resources such as the Online Writing Labs for students to locate and use as needed for information that is likely to change, such as the latest APA formatting rules. In addition, the text acknowledges writing in different modes (or genres), such as persuasive writing, informative writing, and professional writing. This book is great for a writing class geared toward academic writing. A glossary of commonly used terms is helpful, as the discussion of citations and research. People. They also provide a multi-modal, visually accessible format with plenty of white space to keep it from an overwhelming experience for student writers. Consider the mantra of college writing across the curriculum: "Research everything!" I've already begun to mark impressive/clear examples, definitions, and explanations that I'm excited to invite into my classroom next semester. Unfortunately, there are numerous minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, which some careful editing would correct. The writers are knowledgeable about the writing process, conventions of English, style, and where to locate up-to-date MLA and APA formatting information. However, I acknowledge that’s more of a personal preference than a real critique. This text covers a range of composition and rhetoric topics, while allowing for the convenience of selecting concerns that are most relevant to particular courses or students. 19). The section on grammar perhaps should come a little earlier, and the section on research, citation and plagiarism also feels like it comes rather late in the process. I read this text on my iPad, and I had no trouble navigating through its entirety. An interactive table of contents with internal links to chapters and sections would be convenient. The text provides a strong overview or how to brainstorm and develop ideas, how to organize and structure an essay around a claim, how to pitch your idea to an audience, how to properly use subordinating clauses, and how to write introductions and conclusions. It also covers the Research Essay, which is key for any comprehensive Composition guide. It felt accessible, and it was written in such a way that might make a student nervous about writing feel more comfortable. Some texts leave the student to infer their meanings, but this one made lessons crystal clear. There are some links to additional resources that I can see changing over time, but I do appreciate the additional references and plan to use them! Even as I was reading the book, I was thinking about how I could use certain chapters and sections in my existing composition course. I didn't notice any grammatical missteps. The ideas follow logically upon one another, and the authors build the sense of writing as a process through their own organization of the text. From the beginning to the end the voice of the author is relatable, and the book's vocabulary is not overbearing. I would definitely consider assigning portions of this text as supplementary reading for an online class, for instance. read more. I think this whole grammar section is rather brief, trying to teach sentence skills in a few dozen pages; however, if it is meant as a review of the material for students who presumably have already learned it in a lower level class, it may be sufficient. The book covers the major steps for academic writing, and while it had some examples of non-academic sources, it seemed to focus pretty overwhelmingly on "essays" in various formats. read more. The... The examples of "high," "casual," and "low" writing styles, and rewrites to make famous excerpts a different writing style, are a smart way to demonstrate to students what academic writing is (and isn't). The table of contents provides precise detailing of the materials throughout and I found the glossary incredibly useful. The list of subordinating conjunctions is not comprehensive. A few examples which do pertain to the targeted age group may become obsolete within a few years. This book provides a comprehensive approach for all levels of writers for a range of writing projects. One of the text's virtues is its accessibility. Each chapter pertains to a step in the writing process. For example, when discussing style they take time to explain "denotation" and "connotation" which are great concepts (and vocabulary!) Overall this text was both accessible for students and moldable for teachers. My major critique is the overwhelming focus on academic writing, which is an important element of first-year writing courses but not (I believe) the only element. The text is culturally sensitive, inoffensive, and inclusive. I was surprised to find that the text devoted (for example) eight pages to audience and 40-something pages to specific grammar details. 10). It could be used out of chapter order while still maintaining its integrity, and chapters can be easily broken into smaller, daily readings. Both issues are important to me because my college's student body is very diverse. In addition to publishing its own journals, the division also provides traditional and digital publishing services to many client scholarly societies and associations. I only found one typo on the text. ", Reviewed by Sheri Anderson, Composition Instructor, Colorado State University on 12/24/19, "You, Writing!" The voice is familiar and welcoming without trying too hard to be on the level of the students. The chapters within this text are well-organized. While the organization went from higher-order concerns to lower-order concerns, meaning that all the editing and grammar information came towards the end, it felt lopsided in that respect. in English and Creative Writing from Purdue University and an M.F.A. In this sense the book is very relevant and helpful. The writing is concise, concrete, and easy to read. This text is an excellent and conversational approach to college writing. I found the text easy on the eyes and presented in a very streamlined fashion. The authors include graphics, charts, bulleted lists, and illustrations to accompany ideas, themes, and lessons in the text without cluttering the page or the meaning. The authors don't get too deep into any given style of essay, which is helpful for instructors designing their own courses as it would allow them to build off of the general examples. This book is great for a writing class geared toward academic writing. Overall, the content is contemporary. The textbook appears to me to to be inclusive, and I didn't observe any issues with cultural sensitivity. relevant for projects that don't involve research, but that also surprised me. While I really liked the sample annotations of the poems, many student writers in introductory English classes are working with prose rather than poetry. The text is comprehensive in covering the major topics pertaining to basic writing. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Some of the “charts” (see page 45) presented are actually lists of words. This makes it helpful as a reference or starting point, but may not address all of student concerns. Select the purchase The text lacks an index but does include an extensive and informative glossary. Easily readable and clear throughout, even when graphics enter the text. 12-13), “your” should be “you” (p. 20), there is an unnecessary parenthesis (p. 41), book titles are not italicized (p. 53), the word “to” should come after “Plato” (p. 54), “an” should be “and” (p. 57), there should be a comma instead of a period before “sin” and “put” should be capitalized (p. 60), there are problems with parallelism (pp. Each chapter is useful regardless of the order in which it is assigned and the length of each chapter is manageable. The chapters contain long blocks of text that might seem intimidating to beginner-level students. The sections on research strategies and citation, especially in APA, may need more frequent updating. The book is accurate in dealing with the subject matter. The book is easily adaptable to a variety of situations, and the authors are careful to make sure that the chapters, while informing each other, can stand alone, which allows for the professor to use as she sees fit. The sections seemed to stand quite well independently; it would be easy, for instance, to read the chapter on the writing process before the one on argumentation. Using running heads with chapter titles might help readers better comprehend the text’s organization. The examples it uses are interesting and current, which makes it easy to read and follow. It is crafted for students and addressed to readers in a non-threatening and approachable way. The text is refreshing in its relevance and timeliness. I recommend this text for consideration in freshman composition courses. I also appreciated the attention to writing that has real-world relevancy for students, such as writing resumes or a letter or email to a manager. This text is absolutely relevant to our era, and looks ahead to where we are going. Peer-reviewed journal articles are only briefly mentioned, and the quality of information from library databases over Internet search engines is not stressed enough. Writing is explored in a way that balances the use of technology with traditional methods. The index is very helpful and the glossary in the back defines many of the key terms in an easy to read format. The content appears to be accurate and error-free. It covers all the necessary topics, from styles of writing to grammar. 19; “The most important section are,” pg. Cost: Tuition and textbooks covered by State of Minnesota The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program through the University of Minnesota Twin Cities allows motivated high school juniors and seniors to take classes at the University for both high school and college credit. This was not difficult, however. read more. Sequence, an ordered list of elements, especially one of infinite length; Tuple, an ordered list of finite length; Multiset, a list/set of elements which can have multiplicity different than 1; Enumerations. Paragraphs are never more than several sentences. Besides a few intentional incomplete sentences (I believe constructed as a colloquial mechanism to relate to the pedestrian reader), the book was accurate both in content and in style. Nothing ground breaking, but that's for the best. It starts at the beginning of the writing process, discusses drafting, then editing, and includes the Research Essay at the end of the book. She sometimes publishes about teaching English in the Minnesota English Journal. With that said, I did not find anything inaccurate or that I would be uncomfortable sharing with students. Organization is another strength of this text. The examples it uses are interesting and current, which makes it easy to read and follow. read more. comprehensively addresses the basics of writing in a casual, easily-accessible way.

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