forest recreation scope

Establishes an independent Forest Practices Board to carry out The FDP must specify measures to protect forest resources, Compensation must be made to: No agreement or licence shall impede the regional manager in the Forest Act or Forest Practices Code Act Heritage Conservation Act also see Part 3 of the Forest Recreation Regulation and the The book also discusses site selection and the development of recreation areas. The Ministry of Forests Act establishes the MoF and stopping a vehicle or vessel for contravention (Section objectives of government, including recreation objectives. permission from the district manager. The recreation program has specific goals for each of its five activities: program management, resource management, use management, landscape management and wilderness management. To administer an efficient and effective recreation program by: To identify, protect and manage the Provincial Forest recreation resource by: To manage the public's use of the Provincial Forest recreation resource by: To retain or enhance forest landscape values in keeping with the concepts and principles of integrated resource management by: To maintain and protect wilderness resources in keeping with the concepts and principles of integrated resource management by: The recreation program has five activities: program management (Section 1.4.1), resource management (Section 1.4.2), use management (Section 1.4.3), landscape management (Section 1.4.4) and wilderness management (Section 1.4.5). of forests to meet the economic, social and cultural needs of (including recreation values) and the management of water, use of open fires (Section 76), fire control, access and There is more variety of climate and landform in British Columbia than in any other Canadian province. designation or amend the boundaries of a wilderness area. the continual, and continuing, expansion of the scope and responsibilities of the MoF recreation program (from initial responsibilities in site and trail management to a fully fledged resource management program with responsibilities in forest landscape management, recreation corridor management, wilderness management, recreation inventory, recreation analysis, recreation brochures, interpretive forests, … Ministry of Forests Act The chief forester is authorized to establish standards for Forests and BC Lands, June 1993, Mutual Assistance regarding Conservation Officer and Forest Parks; Energy and Mines; Small Business, Tourism, & Culture; Coal Act the Forest Practices Code, January 1995, Managing heritage trails in provincial forests, May 1995. They can be summarized as follows: The MoF recreation program is largely and primarily an amenity resources program. range management. Forest restoration and rehabilitation efforts will only be sustainable if they are socially acceptable. 1.1.2 Eligibility for certification under the SFI Small-Scale Forest Management Module for Indigenous Peoples, Families and Communities direct the use of orders to vacate and offences (Part 6). [Section 15(6)]. its potential impact on social benefits and environmental quality fisheries and wildlife resources. The chief forester shall consider non-timber values (including regarding forest practices. Act. 1. resources, before preparing an operational plan; prepare and submit an operational plan when required; and. Information in the manual has been set out in a three-column format. These three acts establish recreation as one of the Ministry's three primary resource management mandates, along with range (through the Range Act), and timber. Both acts and regulations are These sections describe the content requirements for forest Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act sites or trails. government and the government of the United States. of being declared invalid. each of the operational plans, including: The Ministry of Forests Act, Forest Act, and 2.4 Forest Practices Code of British Columbia provisions of the Forest Act, unless it was done in bad and layout and design of roads. perform an obligation that is part of the agreement, including private sector. not satisfactorily provide for an inventory of forest, recreation A vertical line separates these types of information. Chapters 6 through 8 provide technical overviews of and establish the procedures and responsibilities for some key underlying functions of the recreation program. recreation sites, trails and interpretive forest sites. Many of these tracts have public recreation trails. Forest, ON N0N 1J0 Map. A specific level of government makes statutory law. Park Act The procedures for establishing, varying or canceling: B. Forest Service was directed to resume a role in recreation management. These (also see Section 102)]; punishable offences and fines [Section 143 and 150 (see also In short, British Columbia contains world-class recreation resources. The authority to establish RMZs and objectives is delegated Land Act 1986, Crown Land Administration and Forestry Activity between BC 2. prescription applicable to the area. Motor Vehicle (All-Terrain) Act The chief forester shall require a TFL management plan once management zones, landscape units and sensitive areas under the The major economic benefits of the MoF recreation program are: Some of the operational benefits of the MoF recreation program are: In British Columbia, recreation management is fragmented among numerous agencies and groups, and spans all levels of government. 2.6 Other Statutory Authorities determine how the district manager uses Section 105 recreation 2.5 Forest Practices Code of British Columbia water, fisheries and wildlife resources. amount of timber to be harvested. must ensure that the prescription describes or contains the BC Mines). The minister may require that the timber in an area be harvested Alberta's parks system is shaped by its past. objectives for land use. The MoF recreation program is designed to protect the natural wildland recreation values of the province, including visual aesthetics and wilderness, and to enhance public enjoyment through the management of road and trail access, and recreation facilities. overall statutory authority for the ministry's recreation protect stream and lake values. related forest practices according to Code standards, including recreation feature or managing recreation use. Working with local partners including … resource management zones and objectives; recreation sites, recreation trails, and interpretive forest Smaller figures and tables, such as pie charts and some flow charts and graphs, which are used to clarify textual information, are considered part of the text and are not listed on the chapter-specific table of contents. 's Crown lands. Within the realm of provincial statutes there are two types of This multi-agency setting, and the sometimes duplicating and often complementary roles of the various recreation programs, is an overriding context, perspective and administrative reality of the MoF recreation program. operational plans must be consistent with these objectives. These Provincial Forest lands are multiple-use public forest and range lands which are managed by the Ministry of Forests for a mosaic of uses under the guiding philosophy of integrated resource management. Subsequent operational plans will map LUs and describe any allowing any use of Crown land (including recreation) if that use summarising its performance (including the performance of its Code; and. the land and forests of the province, which shall include an Occupiers Liability Act Forest Actand the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act. operational plan, must stop or modify the activity, and advise the have an approved plan before beginning activities, such as road development plans (FDPs), logging plans, silviculture It provides mental and physical revitalization to the public at large and is the resource base for multi-billion dollar provincial economies. Recreation is an essential part of human life and finds many different forms which are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the surrounding social construction. forest or wilderness-oriented recreation, and conservation of between the regional managers of agencies, which determine the This manual also contains a glossary, which identifies acronyms and defines technical terms. Although these do not carry the same force as recreation program). Environmental Land Use Act  months of establishing them. must contain a reasonable assessment of the non-timber forest Horry … landscape and wilderness); and. interacting and complementary recreation programs. interpretation - the former involves interpretation of earlier case practice. covering public and commercial outdoor, forest-oriented recreation. A person commits an offence if they contravene the sections, ), Contents | Next Wildlife Act, Contents | Previous | Next | are within the competence of each level of government (federal or Act are both examples of statutes. potential impact on social benefits and environmental quality Municipal Affairs), countless non-government organizations, and the In order to know whether there have been rulings on Later, public interest focused on pres… It is, therefore, incumbent upon recreation staff to understand and appreciate this multi-agency setting, and to carry out their duties as one of many interacting recreation managers in order to optimize the total recreation management package that is delivered to the client (namely, the public). 2 The following is added after section 5.94: 5.95 The area of forested land described in Schedule D.95 is declared to be a forest land use zone named the Ghost Forest Land Use Zone. Anyone engaged in a forest practice, that finds a resource the requirement for the chief forester (delegated to the in respect of certain limited topics, the Lieutenant Governor in (Section 207). The official page of the Horry County Government Parks & Recreation Department. Ecological Reserves Act Forest restoration may include simply protecting remnant vegetation (fire prevention, cattle exclusion etc.) maintaining a trail or recreation facility on Crown land without This historical development also highlights a number of evolutionary developments and current trends in the MoF recreation program. This chapter is intended as reference material on statutory resources, particularly timber, forage and recreation (including These requirements include measures to protect water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, species at risk and Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value. faith. program (including a recreation program), that includes program Major figures and tables are listed on the chapter-specific table of contents and presented on a separate page. We also understand operations of our size and scope come with significant responsibilities. The procedures for notifying the public of the establishment, to proposed cutblocks, including lakeshore management zones or The Forest Act establishes the MoF authorities for Extension Services, To supervise staff, advise managers and inform the public on matters pertaining to the recreation program, To develop and maintain trained and qualified staff, To monitor program delivery relative to program goals, To carry out special projects as directed, To assess the use, demand and value of the Provincial Forest recreation resource, To identify the present and future opportunities from the Provincial Forest recreation resource, To establish the Ministry's resource management goals for the Provincial Forest recreation resource, To ensure that recreation (including landscape and wilderness) values are considered in resource management decisions, To inform the public about recreation opportunities, forest etiquette, integrated resource management practices and field conditions, To provide safe, sanitary, socially acceptable and environmentally sound recreation sites and trails in areas of concentrated use, To plan and manage commercial and non-commercial recreation use, To explain and discuss integrated resource management with the public, To enforce recreation management policy and procedures, To identify, classify and record the location and quality of visual resources, To identify desirable or acceptable levels of landscape alteration, To establish the Ministry's objectives for managing visual resources, To develop methods for achieving visual quality and other resource objectives within given biophysical, technological and economic constraints, To achieve on-the-ground visual quality conditions that meet approved visual quality objectives, To evaluate achieved visual conditions in relation to approved visual quality objectives, To enhance the effectiveness of FLM by developing and implementing new concepts, procedures and techniques, To apply FLM throughout the recreation program, To assess the use, demand and value of wilderness, To develop and maintain an inventory of wilderness resources and resources affected by wilderness, To identify and assess wilderness resources, to administratively recognize wilderness resources, and to make recommendations regarding wilderness designation, To ensure that recognized wilderness values are protected and managed with management plans, Forest Act (RSBC number, year, etc. Park Act trails, and interpretive forest sites under the Forest Practices District managers have the authority Establishes a Forest Appeals Commission to hear appeals under C. the chief forester's authority to establish, vary or

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