yum search version

Is there any way to know which version of the software will be installed using yum install command? Note that this rpmdb version is now also used significantly within yum (especially in the yum history). We can see that there is also package versions which will print current package version with the repository version like el7 . ! While listing packages we may need to specific packages. To make your search more accurate, define package name with their version, in case you know. The version command will now show "groups" of packages as a separate version, and so takes sub-commands: "version grouplist" - List the defined version groups. $ yum list installed | grep PACKAGE_NAME. yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 As far as I know it is not possible to install java-1.8.0 just by running: yum install java-1.8.0 as there are two versions of Java, one is the openjdk-java and the other is oracle-java. In the following command, I’m going to check which version of the partitioning software gparted is installed on my CentOS 7 system. To view, disabled repositories or all repositories refer below section in this article. How to check installed packages in CentOS. We will get the help of grep command while using yum list . Thank you, I now see how yum and rpm can be used interchangeably here!! yum search --showduplicates. After identifying which package you would like to install you can install it with the following command. CentOS 7 YUM Searching Packages. Search for a Package using YUM $ yum list installed | grep gparted gparted.x86_64 0.19.1-5.el7 @epel. yum list installed This will result in a list of all installed packages in case-sensitive alphabetical order, like in the following example: Run command yum repolist and it will show you all repositories configured under YUM and enabled for use on that server. So by supplying the -openjdk.x86.64 you actually tell yum which version … Using Yum to View Historical Installation Data We can also use yum to view historical installation data on your system. For example to search for a specific version openssh-4.3p2 of the package, use the command. 4. For example: $ yum search zsh Loaded plugins: fastestmirror === Matched: zsh === zsh.x86_64 : A powerful interactive shell In this case, how can I know the version of zsh if I type yum install zsh.x86_64? @plasmid87 I did not know I could use yum -C to prevent yum from spending all that extra time contacting network hosts. [root@kerneltalks ~]# yum repolist Loaded plugins: amazon-id, rhui-lb, search-disabled-repos repo id repo name status *epel/x86_64 Extra Packages for … You can use “yum search” command to search all RPM package names, descriptions and summaries.issue the following command: yum search Example: Searching all available packages matching “httpd” terms Filter Listed Packages. The procedure is as follows to list installed packages: Open the terminal app. # yum list openssh-4.3p2 5. Used to install the latest version of a package or group of packages. yum install - I hope that this tiny little flag will save you some time building from source. List YUM repositories. For remote server log in using the ssh command: ssh user@centos-linux-server-IP-here Show information about all installed packages on CentOS, run: sudo yum list installed To count all installed packages run: sudo yum list installed | wc -l $ yum list | grep stack. If no package matches the specified package name(s), they are assumed to be a shell glob, and any matches are then installed. Run the following command to see a list of anytime yum was used to install, remove, or upgrade a package: yum history Here is an example of the output you might see. Your system will show different results here, and that is OK. With this flag YUM will show additional versions of packages available for installation. Thank you, I now see how yum and rpm can be used interchangeably here! 5. Another way to find out version of a package is to grep it with yum list installed. We will grep packages which name have stack .

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