yum history clear

Tip: Control bash history like a pro. 1. Some Linux distributions may clear the screen when you logout but others do not. If you do this, yum will rebuild the cache as required the next time it is run (this may take a while). Clear entire Command line history using 'history' command. The list is implied so we do not need to include it. In the following example, transaction 2 was a update operation, as seen below, the redo command that follows will repeat transaction 2 upgrading all the packages updated by that time: Regarding the last point about rebuilding taking a long time, you might want to follow rm -rf /var/cache/yum with && yum makecache to properly recreate the directories and avoid long waits on the next yum invocation. # yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only. To clear the history, just run any one of the following commands: $ history -c. Or $ history -cw. Now Rollback httpd package to the previous version using following command [[email protected] ~]# yum history undo 3. It looks at the transaction-all and transaction-done files which can normally be found in /var/lib/yum if a yum transaction aborted in the middle of execution. To view the previously executed commands, run: $ history. If we want to have a new starting point to clear out the existing history we can do so using: # yum history new # yum history undo 2 #will remove package W # yum history redo 2 #will reinstall package W # yum history rollback 2 #will remove packages from X, Y, and Z. am looking for an opinion on removing /var/lib/yum/history files. First, you can increase your bash history size by appending the following config option in ~/.bashrc file: In this tutorial we will look how to delete or remove packages with yum.. We need root privileges all uninstall operations. As you might know, the 'history' command will display the last executed commands. You may want to clear the history file and the screen for security reasons. Through an automation process, an app was added to system of 400 CentOS 7 servers that inadvertantly and unwantedly installs/uninstalls gcc -100x a day for last six months. Basic syntax for yum history command. yum is mainly used by rpm based distributions to manage operating system packages.yum have a lot of features but one of the most used feature is removing packages from operating system. YUM is an rpm based package manager that enables users to install new packages, remove/erase old/unwanted packages. We will provide root privilege with sudo command. It roughly maintains CLI compatibility with YUM and defines a strict API for extensions and plugins. # yum history list. Use below yum command to find what was actually updated against the transaction id [[email protected] ~]# yum history info 3. The yum-complete-transaction command finds incomplete or aborted yum transactions on a system and attempts to complete them. And by default it says the obsolete option is turned on, which would make them equivalent. YUM(8) DNF YUM(8) NAME top yum - redirecting to DNF Command Reference SYNOPSIS top dnf [options] [...] DESCRIPTION top DNF is the next upcoming major version of YUM, a package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions. Hi, I would like to know the difference between YUM UPDATE and YUM UPGRADE. Can … The -c passed to the history command to clear the history list by deleting all of the entries ${HISTFILE}. Depending on you software activity this may be long or short but shows you a list of software actions, installing or erasing packages on the system. YUM history command provided the detailed history of YUM transactions in order to find out information about installed packages and those that where removed/erased from a system. Many programs read input as a single line at a time. Once the above yum command is executed successfully verify the httpd package version The man pages say upgrade is same as update with the obsolete option. Does not say what obsolete does.

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