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Their order from top to bottom of page is PFC Russell Robinson, Sgt. It was a campaign in which, … The Rangers began their assault at 0530 and received antiaircraft fire from Russian made ZSU 23-2 … The operation succeeded, but flaws in its execution revealed weaknesses in joint operations. Rangers parachute into battle during Operation Urgent Fury. McGraw sent a written account to Gunny Mooch back in 2003 and he shared it with me on 13 December, 2015. Notes: The five Rangers from my 1/75th Ranger A Company who died in Grenada, during the battle of Urgent Fury are photographed above. By 1000, planes began to land. Together with the bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut that same month, the experience of Operation URGENT FURY added impetus to efforts to reform the joint system which were already under way. Within hours of receiving orders to move, Ranger units were marshaling at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia, prepared to board C-130s and MC-130s for the ride to Grenada. So far, Urgent Fury was a perfect example of how not to conduct an airborne operation and was shaping up to be an unmitigated disaster. (Wikimedia Commons) Outside the airfield, the Rangers were jacking construction equipment to bring back to the airport in order to clear the runway for aircraft to land (one reason their planes couldn’t land). Operation Urgent FUry The Invasion of Grenada, October 1983 The U.S. Army spent much of the decade after its retreat from Vietnam rebuilding itself into a supremely capable, all-volunteer force. Operation Urgent Fury, the joint operation to liberate Grenada in the fall of 1983, could just as easily have been code named Operation Murphy’s Law. Operation Urgent Fury, the invasion of Grenada, was a small incident on a geopolitical scale, a small affair for politicians and historians, but for myself and for my Ranger brothers, it was the beginning of something much greater. Ranger McGraw, the Bryan Staggs Flag, and Operation URGENT FURY The interview excerpts below are from a transcript by Gunnery Sergeant Joe Muccia, USMC, with SGT Bruce McGraw of 1st Platoon, B Co, 1st Ranger Battalion. As the Rangers of 1/75 descended, the red and green tracers of enemy fire rose to greet them. Operation Urgent Fury had been under way for more than twenty-four hours, yet the Rangers and first wave of paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne had barely advanced beyond the perimeter of the airport at Point Salines. (Photo by Department of Defense) Grenada lies between Puerto Rico and Venezuela and was an unlikely location for a … Mark Rademacher, PFC Marlin Maynard, and SP4 Mark Yamane. The Rangers had little time to prepare for their role in Urgent Fury, the invasion of Grenada. An explosion during “Operation Urgent Fury”, Grenada, 25 October 1983. Randy Cline, Sgt. During the operation, 19 American personnel and at least 94 Grenadines and Cubans were killed, with many more wounded. 2. As a result, the Rangers began landing more than 30 minutes behind schedule, and the successive drop waves took 90 minutes to complete —in daylight and initially under heavy enemy fire. of Operation URGENT FURY overwhelmed some 2000 Grenadines and Cubans, and successfully achieved its objectives by dusk on 27 October.

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