lng projects meaning

markets for LNG. [48], Japan, the world's largest importer of LNG, is set to use of LNG as road transport fuel.[49]. As world energy consumption increases, experts anticipate that the LNG trade will grow in importance. Biofuel is a type of energy source derived from renewable plant and animal materials. “We put energy as a priority industry in the law, so meaning LNG projects such as mid-stream sector can be entitled to incentives, so that’s in terms of tax-based incentives,” Senate Committee on Energy Chairman Sherwin T. Gatchalian told industry stakeholders in a recently-concluded Philippine Energy Transition forum. High horsepower engines in the oil drilling, mining, locomotive, and marine fields have been or are being developed. [127] The Strait of Hormuz is a strategic route through which a third of the world's LNG passes from Middle East producers. The fleet of tankers for an LNG project is a significant portion of the total cost of the LNG chain. Base load (large scale, >1 MTPA) LNG projects require natural gas reserves,[31] buyers[32] and financing. The first FLNG facility is now in development by Shell,[102] due for completion in 2018.[103]. LNG can also be used to meet peak demand when the normal pipeline infrastructure can meet most demand needs, but not the peak demand needs. The largest importers of U.S. LNG are South Korea, Mexico, and Japan. The cost reduced by approximately 35 percent. 60% of that demand came from the U.S. and China in 2018. LNG-to-power projects have been booming from Asia to Latin America in recent years as they allow nations to switch from dirtier fossil fuels to keep the lights on. There are two processes for liquefying natural gas in large quantities. Any gas which does not conform to the agreed specifications in the sale and purchase agreement is regarded as “off-specification” (off-spec) or “off-quality” gas or LNG. At the same time, Pacific Basin supplies dominated world LNG trade. The project will produce 15 million tonnes of LNG per year, or 5 percent of global output. The cascade process refers to the cooling of one gas by another gas, resulting in a cascading effect. Natural gas has far more volume than oil to transport, and most gas is transported by pipelines. The LNG industry is booming as the world aims to break away from traditional and polluting energy sources such as oil and coal to focus on clean energy. [13] The Qatargas II plant has a production capacity of 7.8 MTPA for each of its two trains. [citation needed] Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in March 2011 Japan became a major importer accounting for one third of the total. Local politicians including the Suffolk County Executive raised questions about the terminal. This type of LNG fueling is straightforward to establish assuming a supply of LNG is available. The energy density of LNG is comparable to propane and ethanol but is only 60 percent that of diesel and 70 percent that of gasoline.[4]. On arrival at the terminal, LNG tankers (length 200 to 350 m) are moored to the unloading berth. This precluded the denial of gas to some customers during a cold snap. [67], BHP, one of the largest mining companies in the world, is aiming to commission minerals transport ships powered with LNG by late 2021. In the case of a leak, LNG vaporizes rapidly, turning into a gas (methane plus trace gases), and mixing with air. Souki guided Cheniere’s transition from an import to an export company, so he comes with experience. to make LNG •LNG projects are large complex projects, often in remote locations –Process design is not simplistic, –Scope is highly civil/mechanical, –Projects are capital intensive, and –Not all LNG plants are created equal (NALPACE) •Offshore liquefaction (FLNG) significantly increases the complexity of an LNG project The gas stream is typically separated into the Liquefied Petroleum fractions (butane and propane), which can be stored in liquid form at relatively low pressure, and the lighter ethane and methane fractions. The buyers had more upward and downward flexibilities in TOP, and short-term SPAs less than 16 years came into effect. The small-scale LNG plant also allows localized peakshaving to occur—balancing the availability of natural gas during high and low periods of demand. Thus energy could now be shipped over the oceans via LNG the same way it was shipped by oil. Information for the following table is derived in part from publication by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Natural gas is usually liquefied to LNG at the end of the pipeline, before shipping. French oil and gas company Total is facing increased security concerns at its $20bn Mozambique liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. [104], The tankers cost around US$200 million each.[72]. However, on the West Coast of the United States, where up to three new LNG importation terminals were proposed before the U.S. fracking boom, environmental groups, such as Pacific Environment, Ratepayers for Affordable Clean Energy (RACE), and Rising Tide had moved to oppose them. What is LNG and how is it becoming a U.S. energy source? Estimated to cost $32bn, the expansion project aims to increase LNG production capacity of the North gas field from 77mtpa to 100mtpa. These lighter fractions of methane and ethane are then liquefied to make up the bulk of LNG that is shipped. One of the risks of LNG is a rapid phase transition explosion (RPT), which occurs when cold LNG comes into contact with water.[10]. International trade in LNG quickly followed as LNG was shipped to France and Great Britain from the Algerian fields. LNG SPA means the LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement to be entered into as of the Phase 1 Project FID Date pursuant to Section 4.1 by and between Driftwood LNG, as seller, and the Partner (or its Affiliate), as buyer, a substantially final execution version of which is set forth on Exhibit C, as the same may be amended or restated from time to time. Once the natural gas is liquefied, it is then stored in special tankers and transported to its point of destination. [46] In 2017, Petronet LNG is setting up 20 LNG stations on highways along the Indian west coast that connect Delhi with Thiruvananthapuram covering a total distance of 4,500 km via Mumbai and Bengaluru. The project, which will be operated by Qatar Petroleum, is planned to commence production by 2023. Once regasified, the natural gas is distributed via pipelines to consumers. Philips Cascade process is the second most-used, used in 10 trains with a total capacity of 36.16 MTPA. Create a personalised ads profile. There are several special leak test methods available to test the integrity of an LNG vessel's membrane cargo tanks. [36] There are known problems with the fuel tanks and delivery of gas to the engine,[37] but despite these concerns the move to LNG as a transportation fuel has begun. Regular ones are the dates that will be agreed and defined in the LNG SPAs for the purpose of price review. [9], Most domestic LNG is transported by land via truck/trailer designed for cryogenic temperatures. 20 years.[31]. [28] Recent high level conference in Vancouver, the Pacific Energy Summit 2013 Pacific Energy Summit 2013 convened policy makers and experts from Asia and the U.S. to discuss LNG trade relations between these regions. The first commercial ship-to-ship transfer (STS) transfers were undertaken in February 2007 at the Flotta facility in Scapa Flow[108] with 132,000 m3 of LNG being passed between the vessels Excalibur and Excelsior. In its liquid state, LNG is not explosive and can not ignite. [68], Florida East Coast Railway has 24 GE ES44C4 locomotives adapted to run on LNG fuel.[69]. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Industry practice is to store LNG as a boiling cryogen. Much of this growth is driven by the need for clean fuel and some substitution effect due to the high price of oil (primarily in the heating and electricity generation sectors). [60] Because LNG boils at approximately −160 °C (−256 °F), by using a simple heat exchanger a small amount of LNG can be converted to its gaseous form at extremely high pressure with the use of little or no mechanical energy. Because of large volumes it is not practical to store natural gas, as a gas, near atmospheric pressure. However, by 2012 this was more than offset by increasing demand for materials and labor for the LNG market. In its liquid state, natural gas takes up 1/600th of the space, meaning that natural gas is shrunk 600 times, making it much easier to ship and store when pipeline transport is not feasible. Qatar has also become more aggressive in marketing its LNG… In the short-term, Wood Mackenzie expects the US-China trade war to have a fairly limited impact on US LNG projects and LNG flows to Asia Pacific. With the advent of large scale cryogenic storage, it was possible to create long term gas storage reserves. The Qatar LNG expansion project is the world’s biggest upcoming LNG project that is planned to have a processing capacity of 32mtpa. LNG quality is one of the most important issues in the LNG business. The Black & Veatch Oct 2014 forecast is that by 2020, the U.S. alone will export between 10 to 14 billion cu ft/d (280 to 400 million m3/d) or by heating value 3.75 to 5.25 quad (1,100 to 1,540 TWh). [citation needed]. For the purpose of comparison of different fuels the heating value may be expressed in terms of energy per volume which is known as the energy density expressed in MJ/litre. [9] As the refrigerant is vaporized, the heat transfer causes the gas in the coils to cool. It is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. Natural gas was considered to be economically unimportant wherever gas-producing oil or gas fields were distant from gas pipelines or located in offshore locations where pipelines were not viable. This reduction in volume enables the gas to be transported economically over long distances. However, if Seller and Buyer make a mutual agreement, then the diversion of the cargo is permitted—subject to sharing the additional profit created by such a diversion. Connect LNG provides unique floating technology, enabled by our Universal Transfer System UTS ®. The East Ohio Gas Company built a full-scale commercial liquid natural gas (LNG) plant in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1940 just after a successful pilot plant built by its sister company, Hope Natural Gas Company of West Virginia. See also List of LNG terminals. The stored gas was regasified and put into the mains when cold snaps hit and extra capacity was needed. Powodem niedobór tlenu? [33] Gas reserves required: 1 tcf of gas required per Mtpa of LNG over Ichthys Onshore LNG Facilities Project (Train 1, 2) Strengthening relations between Australia and Japan. Given that storage of other fuels is relatively easily secured using simple tanks, a supply for several months could be kept in storage. Quality regulations serve three purposes:[98]. There is no possibility of LNG to explode if there is any sort of leak or spill. Despite efficient insulation, there will inevitably be some heat leakage into the LNG, resulting in vaporisation of the LNG. Photo courtesy of INPEX. "What the last cycle highlighted, particularly in Australia, is that highly complex projects in high-cost locations can produce some serious cost and schedule blowouts," said Rodger. Storage pressure in these tanks is very low, less than 10 kilopascals (1.5 psi). The LNG is required to be “break-bulked” through either an onshore or offshore facility and loaded on small scale LNG carriers or trucks/rail cars with end users or distributors as the final destination. It can also be used when adequate pipeline capacity is not available. Russia and Qatar, countries with the largest and the third largest natural gas reserves in the world, have finally supported such move. In 1964, the UK and France made the first LNG trade, buying gas from Algeria, witnessing a new era of energy. One such location is in the Long Island Sound between Connecticut and Long Island. [51] Despite that limitation, the 12 litre Cummins Westport ISX12G engine[52] is an example of a CNG capable engine designed to pull tractor/trailer loads up to 80,000 lbs showing CNG can be used in most if not all on-road truck applications. In the United States the beginnings of a public LNG Fueling capability is being put in place. There are two main approaches to liquefying natural gas in large quantities. [6] The fire delayed further implementation of LNG facilities for several years. [7] Soon after that a large natural gas field was discovered in Algeria. In fact, as of 2019, the United States was the third-largest exporter of LNG and is expected to become the largest exporter by 2024, surpassing Australia and Qatar. Natural gas is a fuel and a combustible substance. By the middle of the seventeenth century Robert Boyle had derived the inverse relationship between the pressure and the volume of gases. The first large scale liquefaction of natural gas in the U.S. was in 1918 when the U.S. government liquefied natural gas as a way to extract helium, which is a small component of some natural gas. As of 2019, it is no surprise that China is now the world's largest importer of natural gas primarily through increases in LNG purchases. However, emissions from natural gas transported as LNG are higher than that of natural gas produced locally to the point of combustion, as emissions associated with transport are lower for the latter. There is a natural gas pipeline network in the former Soviet Union, Europe and North America. [64] It is planned to go into service in Rotterdam in the summer of 2017[65], The International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), adopted by the IMO, has mandated that marine vessels shall not consume fuel (bunker fuel, diesel, etc.) Lack of skilled and experienced workforce in LNG industry. The plant operated successfully for three years. [93] Tolling fees in the Cheniere contracts vary: US$2.25 per million British thermal units ($7.7/MWh) with BG Group signed in 2011; $2.49 per million British thermal units ($8.5/MWh) with Spain's GNF signed in 2012; and $3.00 per million British thermal units ($10.2/MWh) with South Korea's Kogas and Centrica signed in 2013. In 2009, Chubu Electric Power Company ("Chubu") acquired a 0.417% stake in the project’s mining and gas liquefaction, storage, and shipment operations. Russia has the world's largest supply of natural gas, followed by Iran and Qatar. LNG market fundamentals have softened significantly over recent months and tariffs are unlikely to outweigh this to cause an increase in LNG prices. This boil-off gas acts to keep the LNG cold (see "Refrigeration" below). Short LNG pipelines for use in moving product from LNG vessels to onshore storage are available. Natural gas will travel much faster than oil through a high-pressure pipeline, but can transmit only about a fifth of the amount of energy per day due to the lower density. As a result, the company now has LNG supply projects in 10 nations as well as interests in a couple of regasification plants that turn LNG back into gas so it can flow through local pipeline systems. [72] As of 2012, Qatar is the source of 25 percent of the world's LNG exports. If this mixture is within the flammable range, there is risk of ignition which would create fire and thermal radiation hazards. The Calcasieu Parish project was founded in 2016 by Martin Houston and Charif Souki after Souki was ousted from his top position at Cheniere. In the past this usually meant that natural gas produced was typically flared, especially since unlike oil no viable method for natural gas storage or transport existed other than pipelines which required the immediate use by end users of the same gas. Looking for the definition of LNG? For large scale transport uses, the LNG is typically regassified at the receiving end and pushed into the local natural gas pipeline infrastructure. At the same time, alternative destinations for cargo and arbitrage were also allowed. However, a recent boom in U.S. natural gas production (2010–2014), enabled by hydraulic fracturing ("fracking"), has many of these import facilities being considered as export facilities. Thus, the LNG liquefaction business has been limited to players with strong financial and political resources. regular and special. LNG sourced from Qatargas II will be supplied to Kuwait, following the signing of an agreement in May 2014 between Qatar Liquefied Gas Company and Kuwait Petroleum Corp.[13] LNG is loaded onto ships and delivered to a regasification terminal, where the LNG is allowed to expand and reconvert into gas. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas (predominantly methane, CH4, with some mixture of ethane, C2H6) that has been cooled down to liquid form for ease and safety of non-pressurized storage or transport. These plants were not only used for peak-shaving, as in Cleveland, but also for base-load supplies for places that never had natural gas before this. [citation needed]. LNG is in the early stages of becoming a mainstream fuel for transportation needs. This proximity decreases transportation and LNG product costs for consumers. [74] For example, about 59 MTPA of new LNG supply from six new plants came to market just in 2009, including: In 2006, Qatar became the world's biggest exporter of LNG. LNG is shipped around the world in specially constructed seagoing vessels. with a sulphur content greater than 0.5% from the year 2020 within International Waters and coastal areas of Countries adopting the same regulation. Various gas experiments continued for the next 200 years. Most of the contract terms used to be DES or ex ship, holding the seller responsible for the transport of the gas. This operation takes at least 12 hours. Longer pipelines, which allow vessels to offload LNG at a greater distance from port facilities are under development. The end result when compared to CNG engines is more overall efficiency in high-horsepower engine applications when high-pressure direct injection technology is used. By the end of 2017, there were 19 LNG exporting countries and 40 LNG importing countries. In 2012, the costs can go as high as $1,000/tpa, partly due to the increase in the price of steel. A jettyless transfer system serves as an innovative solution to the above mentioned implications of a jetty. The density of LNG is roughly 0.41 kg/litre to 0.5 kg/litre, depending on temperature, pressure, and composition,[3] compared to water at 1.0 kg/litre. [72], As recently as 2003, it was common to assume that this was a “learning curve” effect and would continue into the future. For example, early in the nineteenth century Cagniard de la Tour had shown there was a temperature above which a gas could not be liquefied. Looking for online definition of LNG or what LNG stands for? [9] When ready for distribution, the LNG enters a regasification facility where it is pumped into a vaporizer and heated back into gaseous form. On the large scale, this is done when the source and the destination are across an ocean from each other. This has led to discussions in Asia' oil linked gas markets to import gas based on Henry Hub index. Container shipping company, Maersk Group has decided to introduce LNG fuel driven container ships. The construction cost of greenfield LNG projects started to skyrocket from 2004 afterward and has increased from about $400 per ton per year of capacity to $1,000 per ton per year of capacity in 2008. LNG cost overruns in the previous boom averaged 33%, with Australian projects overrunning by 40%. It is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. [96] By the end of June 2016, LNG price has fallen by nearly 50% below its oil parity price making it more economical than more polluting diesel/gas oil in transport sector.[97]. [21] Several import terminal proposals along the coast of Maine were also met with high levels of resistance and questions. The current surge in unconventional oil and gas in the U.S. has resulted in lower gas prices in the U.S. Feeder and Shortsea shipping company Unifeeder have been operating the world's first LNG powered container vessel, the Wes Amelie, since late 2017 transiting between the port of Rotterdam and the Baltics on a weekly schedule. With a compressed natural gas (CNG) engine, the mixing of the fuel and the air is more effective since gases typically mix well in a short period of time, but at typical CNG compression pressures the fuel itself is less energy dense than gasoline or diesel thus the end result is a lower energy dense air-fuel mixture. Liquefied natural gas is best known as a transport tool, but it is starting to gain mainstream adoption. Oil indexed contract used primarily in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China; Oil, oil products and other energy carriers indexed contracts used primarily in Continental Europe; Market indexed contracts used in the US and the UK. Global Demand for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), The Future of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Exploring Types of Natural Gas Liquids – NGL, https://www.iea.org/reports/market-report-series-gas-2019. In 2005, Japan imported 58.6 million tons of LNG, representing some 30 percent of the LNG trade around the world that year. Developments of production processes, cryogenic storage, and transportation effectively created the tools required to commercialize natural gas into a global market which now competes with other fuels. However, the main concern is the heating value of gas. Asia’s growing share in global LNG market, The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status and Outlook, California Energy Commission: The Outlook for Global Trade in Liquefied Natural Gas Projections to the Year 2020, Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water, The International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers (GIIGNL), Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Liquefied_natural_gas&oldid=1010417471, Articles with dead external links from April 2017, Articles needing additional references from April 2008, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The other method is the Linde process, with a variation of the Linde process, called the Claude process, being sometimes used. [11] The Qatar operation overtook the Train 4 of Atlantic LNG in Trinidad and Tobago with a production capacity of 5.2 MTPA,[12] followed by the SEGAS LNG plant in Egypt with a capacity of 5 MTPA. If the LNG price exceeds the price of crude oil in BOE terms, then the situation is called broken oil parity. In the early 2000s, prices for constructing LNG plants, receiving terminals and vessels fell as new technologies emerged and more players invested in liquefaction and regasification. In the European Union and some other jurisdictions, it is not permitted to apply the profit-sharing clause in LNG SPAs. The Outlook for Global Trade in Liquefied Natural Gas Projections to the Year 2020, Prepared For: California Energy Commission, August 2007, LNG Quality and Market Flexibility Challenges and Solutions, standard conditions for temperature and pressure, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Natural gas and CO2 price variation: Impact on the relative cost-efficiency of LNG and pipelines", "Report on the Investigation of the Fire at the Liquefaction Storage, and Regasification Plant of the East Ohio Gas Co., Cleveland Ohio, October 20, 1944", "Cheniere loading first LNG export at Louisiana terminal", "Understand LNG Rapid Phase Transitions (RPT)", "The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status and Outlook, Appendix F, Energy Information Administration", "Evolving Roles of LNG and Asian Economies in the Global Natural Gas Markets", "The Global Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status and Outlook", "DOE approves Dominion Cove Point LNG exports to non-FTA countries", "Dominion welcomes FERC assessment of Cove Point LNG", "THREE-POINT SYSTEM COMPARES US LNG EXPORT PROJECTS", "Third Gulf Coast LNG Export Terminal Wins Conditional Nod from DOE", "East Coast LNG project gains momentum, strikes deal with E.ON", "Climate friend or carbon bomb? High raw material prices as result of surge in demand for raw materials. It takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas in the gaseous state (at standard conditions for temperature and pressure). Liquified natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled into a liquid form for ease of transportation. Cost and schedule control benefits of early planning phase risk assessment and risk mitigation decision‐making is well established. Future demand growth will come from Asian countries, as they look toward LNG as a replacement for coal as an energy source. A coefficient of 0.1724 results in full oil parity. [99], There are several liquefaction processes available for large, baseload LNG plants (in order of prevalence):[100], As of January 2016, global nominal LNG liquefaction capacity was 301.5 MTPA (million tonnes per annum), and liquefaction capacity under construction was 142 MTPA.[101]. In 2018, the US exported 1,083 Bcf (billion cubic feet) and imported 76.5 Bcf of LNG, resulting in net LNG … Thus for high-horsepower/high-torque engines a fuel that creates a more energy dense air-fuel mixture is preferred, because a smaller and simpler engine can produce the same power. In this process, the gas is cooled regeneratively by continually passing it through an orifice until it is cooled to temperatures at which it liquefies. The Mozambique LNG project is intended to begin production in 2024. Hazards include flammability after vaporization into a gaseous state, freezing and asphyxia. Natural gas fed into an LNG processing plant (like those proposed for construction in Oregon) is treated to remove water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other components that would otherwise freeze during the cooling process. It restarted in 1959 when a U.S. World War II Liberty ship, the Methane Pioneer, converted to carry LNG, made a delivery of LNG from the U.S. Gulf Coast to energy-starved Great Britain. Create a personalised content profile. A global leader in the LNG field, Total is a major partner in this unique project operated by INPEX. [9] The gas then enters the pipeline distribution system and is delivered to the end-user. Most of the LNG trade is governed by long-term contracts. Tak twierdzą rybacy i część naukowców", "Croatia's parliament gives go ahead for EU-backed LNG terminal", "LNG: Benefits and Risks of Liquified Natural Gas", "Safe History of International LNG Operations", Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, "The Skikda LNG accident: losses, lessons learned and safety climate assessment", "Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Import Terminals: Siting, Safety, and Regulation", "Trump Withdraws U.S. From 'One-Sided' Iran Nuclear Deal", Iran threatens to block Strait of Hormuz over US oil sanctions, "2 oil tankers were damaged in possible attacks in the Gulf of Oman". These reserves of liquefied gas could be deployed at a moment's notice through regasification processes and today are the main means for networks to handle local peak shaving requirements..[1]. Also in 2005, South Korea imported 22.1 million tons, and in 2004 Taiwan imported 6.8 million tons. The quality of gas or LNG is measured at delivery point by using an instrument such as a gas chromatograph. The original ISX G engines incorporated a turbocharger to enhance the air-fuel energy density.[53]. Functions. [88][89] It also avoids the additional greenhouse gas emissions generated during long transportation. The purification process can be designed to give almost 100% methane. For an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas produces about 30 percent less carbon dioxide than burning petroleum and about 45 per cent less than burning coal. The US LNG industry restarted in 1965 when a series of new plants were built in the U.S. The natural gas is then condensed into a liquid at close to atmospheric pressure by cooling it to approximately −162 °C (−260 °F); maximum transport pressure is set at around 25 kPa (4 psi). From the demand side, things are also looking positive. [74] If that occurs, the LNG market will be roughly 10% the size of the global crude oil market, and that does not count the vast majority of natural gas which is delivered via pipeline directly from the well to the consumer. In continental Europe, the price formula indexation does not follow the same format, and it varies from contract to contract. Select personalised ads. However, a January 2021 Mozambique oil and gas risk commentary by IHS Markit noted that the increasing security concerns, along with COVID-19, have “raised major questions … The most important gas quality concerns involve the sulphur and mercury content and the calorific value. The US’s abundant, low-cost natural gas makes it a major LNG exporter. It is being evaluated and tested for over-the-road trucking,[34] off-road,[35] marine, and train applications. The range of heating value can span +/- 10 to 15 percent. Japan, South Korea, Spain, France, Italy and Taiwan import large volumes of LNG due to their shortage of energy. [82] A typical value of the higher heating value of LNG is approximately 50 MJ/kg or 21,500 BTU/lb. to make LNG •LNG projects are large complex projects, often in remote locations –Process design is not simplistic, –Scope is highly civil/mechanical, –Projects are capital intensive, and –Not all LNG plants are created equal (NALPACE) •Offshore liquefaction (FLNG) significantly increases the complexity of an LNG project

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