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IV. The State Act and the FDCPA provide nearly parallel protections for consumers. Consumers may seek remedies through a court action in either superior or small claims court for violation of the State Act, or in federal court for violation of the FDCPA. NH Rewards besteht aus vier Kategorien: Blue, Silver, Gold und Platinum, alle mit vielen Vorteilen und Vergünstigungen, die Sie basierend auf die Anzahl der Übernachtungen, die Sie in unseren Hotels verbringen, genießen können. Debt collectors may not make misrepresentation about the debt by: Misrepresenting the size or status of the claimed debt, or falsely characterizing the status of any legal proceedings involving the debtor, Stating or implying that attorney's fees or costs will be added to the debt unless such charges are specifically allowed by contract, agreement, or court order (most consumer credit agreements, such as credit card contracts, contain a provision obligating the consumer to pay collection costs and fees), Implying that a transfer or sale of the debt will cause the consumer-debtor to lose the ability to defend him- or her-self about the non-payment of the debt, or will be subject to some unlawful debt collection practice. In making a call to a place of employment, the debt collector may not inform the employer of the reason for the call unless asked by the employer. “Consumer transaction” means a transaction between a consumer and a person who sells, leases or provides property, services or credit to consumers. Any violation of the provisions of this chapter shall also constitute an unfair and deceptive act or practice within the meaning of RSA 358-A:2 and may be enforced by the attorney general pursuant to RSA 358-A. Threaten repossession or seizure of the consumer's property, unless the debt collector has the right to do so, Cause the consumer any expense through deceptive tactics (for example, toll calls, collect calls, or telegram fees incurred by the consumer in responding to a bogus "prize offer"), Collect an amount greater than the debt, for such things as attorney's fees or costs, or other incidental expenses, unless these kinds of charges are expressly allowed in the credit agreement or by law, Accept checks from a debtor which is postdated by more than 5 days unless the debt collector subsequently notifies the debtor that the check is about to be deposited (this notice must be provided not more than 10 and not less than 3 days before the debt collector deposits or cashes the postdated check), Deposit or cash a postdated check before the date listed on its face, Solicit postdated checks for the purpose of initiating or threatening criminal actions, Contact the debtor by post card, or by include information or symbols on an envelope which identifies the writer as a debt collector, Postmarked or delivered in-hand within 30 days of receiving the follow-up notice from the debt collector, A debt that you believe that you do not owe, or that you believe that you do not owe the amount stated, A debt related to being hospitalized. After receiving the notice of dispute from the consumer-debtor, the debt collector must: If more than one debt is being collected by the debt collector, the consumer-debtor needs to instruct the debt collector on how to apply any payments made to those other debts. III. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Website; Quick Info. Example: The Jollytime Company uses its own in-house attorney, Sage Law, to collect debts and therefore is not ordinarily subject to FDCPA. If you are contacted by a collection agency or debt collector, you have to receive a written notice giving you information about the alleged debt. (b) The violation was not intentional and resulted from a bona fide error or mistake notwithstanding the maintenance of procedures reasonably adapted to avoid any such error or mistake. Makes any material false representation or implication of the character, extent or amount of the debt, or of its status in any legal proceeding; or, VIII. EST to MST. Repossession companies specializing in seizing property owned by consumers but subject to security interests ("repo companies" typically specialize in seizing financed cars from consumers who default on car loans). In addition, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines for the collection industry describing specific acts and practices the FTC considers to be in violation of the FDCPA. Trump’s Delayed COVID-19 Response Cost American lives. If you’re having trouble paying your creditors and collection agencies, or with a company that you feel is violating the law or harassing you, there are several organizations in New Hampshire that may be able to help. The debtor has the right to dispute the existence or validity of the amount of the debt. 603-271-3641. IX. New Era Debt Solutions has helped thousands of consumers in New Hampshire clear their debt quickly through ethical, low-cost channels. Consumer-debtors are given several legal rights upon being contacted by a debt collector. Furthermore, counseling is now required of all those who file for bankruptcy. New Hampshire Department of Justice33 Capitol Street | Concord, NH | 03301 1. Congress revised the federal bankruptcy law, and the new rules went into effect in October 2005. The identity of the person or company for whom the debt collector is attempting to collect the claimed debt, A statement that the consumer may make a written request within 30 days that the debt collector identify the original creditor, if different from the current creditor (this provision is intended to identify the original source of the debt if it has been sold or assigned to a collection agency), A statement that the consumer may notify the debt collector in writing within 30 days that he or she is disputing the debt, and that the debt collector must furnish the consumer with documents verifying the disputed debt or a copy of any judgment against the consumer. 0. State Laws Fair Debt Collection Practices. New Hampshire's debt has grown by 30 percent over the past five years, according to the Josiah Bartlett Center in Concord. Generally these prohibited activities fall into two categories: actions designed to intimidate, harass or annoy consumer debtors; and actions that are unfair, misleading or deceptive. The term includes consumer credit sales, consumer loans, consumer leases of personal property and transactions pursuant to a seller or lender credit card, but shall not include leases of real property. A debt collector may not communicate with anyone other than the consumer-debtor, his or her spouse or the parents or guardians of a debtor who is a minor, about the debt unless the debtor expressly agrees to permit the "third party" contacts. If you do make a promise to pay an old debt that was time-barred, you effectively "reaffirm" that debt so that it can be collected as if it were a new debt. A debt that was previously discharged in bankruptcy. (2) a debt collector may phone the debtor at his place of employment if he is unable to contact the debtor at his residence, provided that: A. the debtor does not inform the debt collector that he does not wish the debt collector to communicate or attempt to communicate with him at his place of employment; and, B. the debt collector shall not inform the employer of the nature of the call unless asked by the employer; and, C. in no event shall the debt collector make more than one phone call per month to the debtor at his place of employment unless the debtor affirmatively indicates in writing that he desires the debt collector to call him at his place of employment. The debt collector may not contact you at unreasonable times, or at work if your employer disapproves. What are the major cities here? V. “Credit” means the right granted by a person to a consumer to defer payment of a debt, to incur debt and defer its payment, or purchase property or services and defer payment therefor. New York has the highest debt of any state, with total debt of over $203.77 billion. “Finance charge” means a charge such as interest, fees, service charges, discounts and other charges associated with the extension of credit. 1-800-327-6778 (toll-free). However, submitting this form does not establish an attorney/client relationship with our firm– that will be established only upon mutual agreement and execution of an attorney client contract. Our credit card debt relief quotes are always free Debt Relief Loudon Debt relief Loudon New Hampshire is for you if you are having troubles managing your Loudon unsecured debts or it feels like you have too many New Hampshire financial trouble for the amount of dollars you have coming in, then our Loudon NH consolidation loans services may be just the thing for you. II. II. 0. EST to PST.

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