higher education in belarus

Higher education in Belarus. Belarusian higher education degrees and qualifications are internationally recognized in more than 80 countries all over the world, including the USA and Canada, countries of Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Middle East and Asia, and etc. $SlideWidth: 100, //[Optional] Width of every slide in pixels, default value is width of 'slides' container The government ministry that oversees the running of the school systems is the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. There are fifteen profiles of education, including 382 higher education first stage specialties and 331 second stage. jssor_slider_banner.$ScaleWidth(Math.min(bodyWidth, 1000)); Training on the 2nd (Master’s degree) level is fulfilled by two types of programmes: research and professionally oriented Master programmes, confirmed by Master's Degree Diploma (Magistr). The Belarusian Government has also concluded a number of special agreements with the countries that have a national authority responsible for the recognition of foreign degrees and qualifications, as follows: - Lisbon Recognition Convention (Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, 1997) - in 53 countries, which are all European countries except Monaco and Greece, and Australia, Holy See, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand and Tajikistan; - Separate agreements on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational diplomas and certificates, degrees and titles with 14 countries, which are the Commonwealth of Independent States, China, Poland, and Vietnam. The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today a €100 million project to support the modernization of Belarus’ higher education sector, a crucial step towards achieving a modern university system and boosting economic growth potential.. Belarus was advised on the achievement of three main paragraphs: academic freedom, institutional autonomy and integration of student community into the higher education management system. A student from the 3rd year can enter the second higher education and combine studies at the same time as the first one. Posted at 15:24h in blog by Kadir 0 Comments. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2021 Belarusian University Ranking of 47 Belarusian higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: The Republic of Belarus is divided into 6 regions (Belarusian: Voblasts) and one autonomous city, Minsk, which is the capital of the nation. $ArrowKeyNavigation: true, //[Optional] Allows keyboard (arrow key) navigation or not, default value is false It was founded by President’s Decree No. Since the disintegration of the USSR higher education in Belarus is in constant growth. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS . Frankly speaking in Europe the usual 4–5-year higher education is just the basis for obtaining a complete higher education and building a successful career. Education in Belarus is free at all levels except for higher education. Today Belarus counts 55 higher education institutions (45 state-owned and 10 private). Belarus was advised on the achievement of three main paragraphs: academic freedom, institutional autonomy and integration of student community into the higher education management system. It is the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus that oversees the running of the current educational systems. Second higher education. 2012 The first attempt of Belarus to enter the Bologna process. The BSEU is the biggest educational establishment training specialists in the field of ….. . Along with state higher schools existing in the Republic many non-state institutes of higher learning have been opened in different towns of late. Training on the 1st degree level provides students with the expertise, qualification and Specialist’s Diploma (Diplomirovannyj Specialist). $SlideSpacing: 0, //[Optional] Space between each slide in pixels, default value is 0 Belarusian top ten universities. } It was based on the separation of legislative, executive, and judicial powers. $AutoPlay: false, //[Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false In Belarus higher education establishments can be of the following types: Webometrics covers the websites of more than 20,300 universities worldwide. The education system is also based on The Education Code of the Republic of Belar The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. The Belarusian system of higher education includes educational, research and governing institutions that use unified official standards and regulations in the processes of teaching, management, assessment and research. // $(window).bind("orientationchange", ScaleSlider); Belarusian State University first opened its doors in 1921, having been initially founded in 1919, and has since established itself as one of the premier institutions for higher education in Belarus. text-align: center; 71 of 8 February 2001. • State policy on higher education The national education has traditionally been one of the core values of the Belarusian people. The book is devoted to the problems of modernization of higher education in two countries belonging to the Bologna system but following some national educational agenda. It looks similar to the European system, with one rather significant difference. }, © Center of Informatization and Innovation Elaborations, 2002-2021, Center for promotion of educational services, IZOVAC-BSUIR Engineering and Education Center, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Since 2009, services for Belarusian have been provided remotely from Vilnius, Lithuania with frequent travel to Belarus. The larger number of higher education institutions meeting the uniRank selection criteria are located in the city of Minsk which is situated in the center of the country. if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|BlackBerry|IEMobile)/)) { 0 Likes. Most higher education courses in Belarus can be completed within 4 to 6 years. Higher education in the Republic of Belarus can be obtained full-time (day or evening), or by correspondence / distance learning. Professional education. • Main tendencies and achievements The education in Belarus is aimed at preparing creative, intellectually and physically mature individuals. As with most nations in Eastern Europe, the landlocked country of Belarus has a long and storied history. BY RU ENG. The Belarusian system of higher education consists of universities, academies, and institutes. var bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth; Education in Belarus is free at all levels except for higher education. Higher education institutions are classified as either: classical university, profile university or academy, institute or higher college. There are four main types of higher education establishments to choose from, which can be either private or state operated: classical university profile university or academy var jssor_slider_banner = new $JssorSlider$("slider_banner_container", options); 2015 Belarus is accepted to the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (Conference and Forum, Yerevan, Armenia). Higher education in Belarus is … The National Council of University Rectors is the supreme advisory body in the system of higher education. The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. • The Bologna process 1999 The Bologna Declaration stating the three overarching objectives: introduction of the three-cycle system (bachelor/ master/doctorate), quality assurance and recognition of qualifications and periods of study (Bologna, Italy). Belarus counts 55 higher education institutions (45 state-owned, 10 private). 2005 Belarus announced the intention to make its higher education system similar to the ideas proclaimed in the Bologna Declaration. Graduates of BSUIR Master’s degree programmes are granted the degrees of Master of Science in Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Engineering or Economics. } $AutoPlayInterval: 0, //[Optional] Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000 jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { For admission require the following documents: 1. Belarus is a one-of-kind, beautiful country with a historical past and unique nature. • Types of higher education institutions Higher education is provided by public (state) and private (non-state) accredited higher education institutions. Belarus - Belarus - Government and society: A new constitution that characterized the republic as a “democratic, social state” and guaranteed a broad range of rights and freedoms entered into force in Belarus in March 1994. The current structure of the educational system was established by a decree in 1994. All graduates of higher education institutions at the end of their studies receive a state diploma. A b o u t | C o n t a c t   U s | A d v e r t i s e, © 2005-2021 uniRank ™We use third-party cookies to personalize content and improve your experience. }; window.setTimeout(ScaleSlider, 30); Search. //responsive code end Intuitions and universities of higher education which were founded in USSR period are still continuing education. It comprises 42 state and 15 non-state higher educational institutions (VNU) with a total of 243,700 thousand students. The system of public education is being constantly improved and that is a logical process. In January 2013, the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities embraced forty-nine institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus. profile university or academy . In 2011, 4,725 per 10,000 citizens were undergraduates. } The higher education system in Belarus is seen as prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. if (bodyWidth) Besides, many Universities offer Pre-University Preparation (Foundation year) courses for foreign students who are willing to apply for tertiary education programmes. Universities and academies offer graduate and post-graduate programs and are engaged in fundamental research. 1. Education in Belarus Last updated August 04, 2019. There are four main types of higher education establishments to choose from, which can be either private or state operated: classical university . What are the most popular Universities in Belarus? A number of Belarusian Universities enrol for short- and long-term internships, advanced courses and staff retraining programmes. This important step resulted in a major commitment to improving higher education,” said Nina Arnhold, World Bank Global Lead for Tertiary Education and Senior Education Specialist. #slider_banner_img_container div a { Belarus joined the Bologna Process – the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) - in May 2015. Certificate of secondary educati… margin: 0; Each of the regions inside Belarus has oversight of the education system, and students may attend either a public (state) or a private school. Graduates of Higher Education Institutions also have the possibility to proceed to the 3rd (postgraduate education) level: - postgraduate courses ‘aspirantura’ (civil courses), ‘adjunktura’ (military courses), ‘assistentura’ (medical probation period) are confirmed with a Researcher’s Diploma, Belarusian Candidate of Science degree (Kandidat Nauk), as well as an internationally recognized PhD degree; - postdoctoral courses ‘doktorantura’ that leads to the degree of a full Doctor of Science (Doctor Nauk). Since 2009, students can apply for the English-medium programmes in Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. The current structure of the educational system was established by decree in 1994. Typical 1st degree qualifications awarded by BSUIR are Software Engineer, Systems Engineer, Information Technologies Engineer, Infocommunication Engineer, Specialist in Information Security, Marketing Specialist, and etc. //you can remove responsive code if you don't want the slider scales while window resizes Regions are further subdivided into districts (Belarusian: Raions). However, further reforms are needed to make Belarus more compatible, comparable, competitive and attractive. Preschool education. If necessary, you can enroll in a language course (1 year), operating on the basis of pre-university training. $PlayOrientation: 1, //[Optional] Orientation to play slide (for auto play, navigation), 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 5 horizental reverse, 6 vertical reverse, default value is 1 function ScaleSlider() { An official resource of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Education for the future of the country ... Education system. #slider_banner_img_container div { $UISearchMode: 1, //[Optional] The way (0 parellel, 1 recursive, default value is 1) to search UI components (slides container, loading screen, navigator container, arrow navigator container, thumbnail navigator container etc). Higher education. $SlideEasing: $JssorEasing$.$EaseLinear, //[Optional] Specifies easing for right to left animation, default value is $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuad It stands for integrity and elaboration of a unified regulatory mechanism in education, arrangement and distribution of the existing regulations, regulatory simplification, and elimination of drawbacks in the educational legislation. More: National ERASMUS+ Office of Belarus • Legal basis For further development of social relations in the field of education, the Education Code of Belarus was adopted on 01 September 2011. All higher education establishments are governed by the Ministry of Education in Belarus. Three forms of learning are available at Belarusian higher education institutions: In USSR period Belarus was known as “education center”. Belarus is the only European country that has not joined Bologna process. All higher education institutions in Belarus are subordinate to the Ministry of Education. More: Belarusian Higher Education (PDF). In general, this number of international students is achieved as a result of the functions of the education system of the republic of Belarus. The government ministry that oversees the running of the school systems is the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Higher Education in Belarus. $ParkingPosition: 0, //[Optional] The offset position to park slide (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), default value is 0. All higher schools in Belarus are controlled by the state and are uniformly administrated. The university is based in Minsk, the Belarusian capital. Post-Graduate Education and Science. According to the policy established by the Ministry of Education, there are four main educational principles: state (public) nature of management, accessibility and equality, quality and the last, but not the least — financial efficiency of the activities of higher education institutions (HEIs). $SlideDuration: 4500, //[Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 500 ScaleSlider(); Much like Ukraine, the culture of Belarus has been heavily shaped and shifted by the multitudes of people that have passed through it, be they Russians passing into Europe, or … Play this game to review English. Higher education is in constant growth since 1991. If teaching … $AutoPlaySteps: 1, //[Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), the default value is 1 $PauseOnHover: 0, //[Optional] Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, 4 freeze for desktop, 8 freeze for touch device, 12 freeze for desktop and touch device, default value is 1 23 Dec. Higher Education in Belarus. Tuition Fee: From USD 1,200 to USD 2,300 per year. Prospects: The Bologna Declaration launched a series of reforms to European Higher Education. “In 2015, Belarus joined the Bologna Process, a pan-European higher education reform initiative. • Mediums of instruction Main course languages are Belarusian and Russian. There are four main types of higher education establishments to choose from, which can be either private or state operated: classical university; profile university or academy; There are four types of HEIs in Belarus: classical university (Universitet), profile university (Akademia), institute (Institut), higher college (Vysshyj colledg). • Levels of higher education Since 2007, a three-level system of tertiary education acts in Belarus. Since 2013, the duration of first degree programmes is generally four years (except for five years in medical and arts HEIs), Master degree programmes last from one to two years. A.S. Pushkin Brest State University. It lies at the crossroads where the most important trans-European railroads and motorways converge, as well as oil and gas pipelines, waterways and air routes connecting Europe and Asia. The Belarusian State University was founded on February 25th, 1919. Belarusian system of higher education consists of two levels: bachelor and master. Main strategic objectives for education development are quality improvement and contribution to creating a competitive economy based on high and advanced technologies (as indicated by the National ERASMUS+ Office of Belarus). Application form; 2. $DisplayPieces: 9, //[Optional] Number of pieces to display (the slideshow would be disabled if the value is set to greater than 1), the default value is 1 Higher education is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, which is responsible for the accreditation and licensing of HEIs and developing and implementation of the educational standards. Belarus' higher education is represented by: 51 higher education institutions (42 public and 9 private ones); 268,100 students (117,500 government-sponsored students and 150,600 fee-paying students); Representing three countries and five native languages among four staff, EducationUSA Belarus brings rich and diverse experience to its work with U.S. and … Belarus has also adopted the ECTS system, allowing more student mobility. //} Whilst it has facilities throughout the city proper, the main campus is near the city centre. Belarus Higher Education. By visiting uniRank, you accept our terms, privacy and cookie policy, League Table and University Ranking of 47 Universities in Belarus, being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate Belarusian higher education-related organization, offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees), delivering courses predominantly in a traditional, face-to-face, non-distance education format. To do this, you need to register in advance and come to Belarus for the exam (as a rule, testing is conducted in the second half of June).

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