fluentd record transformer

we are using Fluentd to push kubernetes container logs to Elasticsearch. NOTE: This is a special case. @type record_transformer. It allows you to modify a matching record. If there are multiple forward headers in the request it will take the first one add_remote_addr true @type none #record_transformer is a filter plug-in that allows transforming, deleting, and adding events @type record_transformer #With the enable_ruby option, an arbitrary Ruby expression can be used inside #${...} enable_ruby #Parameters inside … Configure the Fluentd plugin. in_forward: Add skip_invalid_event paramter to check and skip invalid event: #766; in_tail: Add multiline_flush_interval parameter for periodic flush with multiline format: #775 filter_record_transformer: Improve ruby placeholder performance and adding record["key"] syntax: … Bringing cloud native to the enterprise, simplifying the transition to microservices on Kubernetes ** > type record_transformer enable_ruby true @timestamp ${date_string + "T" + time_string + "." The above filter adds the new field "hostname" with the server's hostname as its value (It is taking advantage of Ruby's string interpolation). Sharing the config snippet - @type record_transformer server_name "server-asa" message_num ${message_number} type record_transformer remove_keys res.headers.set-cookie Thanks, Sven. We have record_accessor helper for accessing nested field. It allows you to modify a matching record. Suppose you are managing a web service, and try to monitor the access logs using Fluentd. renew_time_key (optional, string type) renew_time_key foo overwrites the time of events with a value of the record field foo if exists. @type record_modifier tag ${tag} tag_extract ${tag_parts[0]}-${tag_parts[1]}-foo formatted_time ${Time.at(time).to_s} new_field foo:${record['key1'] + record['dict']['key']} This article explains the common data manipulation techniques in detail. Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). record_accessor helper: Support nested field deletion. Here is an example of a FluentD config adding deployment information to log messages: is a predefined variable supplied by the plugin. record_transformer is another filter in fluentd. However, if this parameter is set to true, it modifies a new empty hash instead. record_transformer: faster implementation of ruby expander parent 7789f24f. I am using the record transformer plugin provided by fluentd. Currently, ${...} always returns strings. Hi There, I'm trying to get the logs forwarded from containers in Kubernetes over to Splunk using HEC. All components are available under the Apache 2 License. You can also use record_transformer like ${xxx} placeholders and access tag, time, record and tag_parts values by Ruby code. The above filter adds the new field "hostname" with the server's hostname as its value (It is taking advantage of Ruby's string interpolation) and the new field "tag" with tag value. Sometimes, you need to transform the data stream in a certain way. A comma-delimited list of keys to delete. Edit the configuration file provided by Fluentd or td-agent and provide the information pertaining to Oracle Log Analytics and other customizations. In this case, an event in the data stream will look like: Let's filter out all the successful responses with 2xx status codes so that we can easily inspect if any error has occurred in the service: You can also filter the data using multiple fields. ... Masahiro (@repeatedly) is the main maintainer of Fluentd. Deleting or masking certain fields for privacy and compliance. Filter plugins enables Fluentd to modify event streams. Suppose you are running a web service on multiple web servers, and you want to record which server handled each request. Hi, It would be nice that remove_keys support an array in record_transformer. I need to remove keys from json messages, pretty easy with record_transformer and keep_keys or remove_keys. For more details, see, If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please. below is our config of record transformer and Elasticsearch outPut plugin. In the log source where you want to remove this metadata, add the following line. Test the Fluentd plugin. So, an input like is transformed into Here is another example where the field "total" is divided by the field "count" to create a new field "avg": It transforms an eve… Add a filter block to the .conf file, which uses a record_transformer to add a new field. filter_record_transformer: Fix record_transformer to be thread-safe: #816; in_tail: Stop reading logs until buffer fill is resolved. 2. However, if this parameter is set to true, it modifies a new empty hash instead. 3. fluentd version: 1.2.4 running inside docker (1.13.1) container deployed by kubernetes (1.11.2): Suppose you are running a web service on multiple web servers, and you want to record which server handled each request. enable_ruby true See .travis.yml Note that fluent-plugin-record-reformersupports both v0.14 API and v0.12 API in one gem. filter_record_transformeris included in Fluentd's core. @type record_transformer hostname ${hostname} The new events should have the "hostname" field like this. The default value is false. Here are the changes: New features / Enhancement. Not anymore. Fluentd 1.0 or higher; Enable Fluentd for New Relic log management . Ship App logs to Elastic Search with FluentD. Only relevant if renew_record is set to true. Parameters inside directives are considered to be new key-value pairs: For NEW_VALUE, a special syntax ${} allows the user to generate a new field dynamically. I am able to rename the key but it doesn't remove the original key from the json. You can also define a custom variable, or even evaluate arbitrary ruby expressions. filter_record_transformer is a built-in plugin that enables it to inject arbitrary data into events. type record_transformer hostname "#{Socket.gethostname}" The above filter adds the new field "hostname" with the server's hostname as its value (It is taking advantage of Ruby's string interpolation). Fluentd example. I want to use record_transformer plugin to add a new field in the existed field, for example: ... You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Fluentd Google Group" group. Finally, this configuration embeds the value of the second part of the tag in the field "service_name". Since v1.1.0, this helper supports nested field deletion. Hide whitespace changes filter_record_modifier is included in Fluentd's core. By default, the record transformer filter mutates the incoming data. This makes use of the fact that fluentd also allows you to run ruby code within your record_transformer filters to accommodate for more special log manipulation tasks. He works on Fluentd development and support full-time. The filter_record_transformer filter plugin mutates/transforms incoming event streams in a versatile manner. Note that the "avg" field is typed as string. You can also define a custom variable, or even evaluate arbitrary ruby expressions. Fluentd, on the other hand, did not support Windows until recently due to its dependency on a *NIX platform-centric event library. Enriching events by adding new fields. So, an input like {"message":"hello world!"} is a built-in plugin that allows to filter the data stream using regular expressions. . Fluentd has been deployed and fluent.conf is updated with the below in the Config Map. and we want to create indices on Elasticsearch in format of NAMESPACE_CONTAINERNAME. is a built-in plugin that enables it to inject arbitrary data into events. Here is another example where the field "total" is divided by the field "count" to create a new field "avg": With the enable_ruby option, an arbitrary Ruby expression can be used inside ${...}. The filter_record_transformer is part of the Fluentd core often used with the directive to insert new key-value pairs into log messages. All components are available under the Apache 2 License. Kubernetes FluentD setup as a Sidecar container. Let’s take a look at an example using the fluentd record_transformer. Generate some traffic and wait a few minutes, then check your account for data. To enable log management with Fluentd: Install the Fluentd plugin. Ensure that the following mandatory parameters are available in the Fluentd event processed by the output plug-in, for example, by configuring the record_transformer filter plug-in : message: The actual content of the log obtained from the input source

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